<p>Hi! I am an international freshman planning to join this fall.</p>
<p>On the website of my university, it clearly says tuition will be about ~~$18000/yr (only tuition). I am only worried about tuition since the other costs are factored, fixed and agreed. Let's forget about the other costs for this thread. </p>
<p>I was just speaking to a friend in the university, and he told me it is $26000/year!!</p>
<p>I don't know him too well so I got confused. I immediately spoke to the person I have been in touch with (as in called, not emailed) frantically. She confirmed it is AROUND $18000/yr. I jokingly said, "it can't be 25k can it?". She laughed, "No way".</p>
<p>Now, if it were 26k, it would mean I can't attend the university. On the I-20 (official document from uni to show to the US Embassy), it says 18k too.</p>
<p>Now, I am pretty satisfied with 18k. I am pretty sure there was some misconception between me and the friend I spoke too. But it can't be 26k can it??</p>
<p>And if it were, will I have enough reason to go court (too far fetched but lets think that way for sometime)?</p>
<p>what university? private or public?</p>
<p>do they have in-state/out-of-state/international rates?</p>
<p>also, it makes more sense to go off of the I-20 than what your friend said. he prob was just estimating or something. </p>
<p>going to court? what do you mean? like the university understated their tuition prices? what would you sue over? what are your damages? that you planned to go to this college and the tuition was misrepresented? i have no idea what the laws are that govern things like this. even if you HAD an argument, it would be really expensive in legal fees. if you’re struggling to pay the additional 6k in tuition, i doubt you could afford to hire an attorney.</p>
<p>You were told the $18k is for tuition only. Your friend probably included other costs - room/board/books - when he said $26k. For example, the tuition in my university is $36k/year but students often say it costs $50k because they’re including total costs - room/board/meal plan/books/fees/etc. Your friend may be paying $26k in total costs and mistakenly called it “tuition”.</p>
<p>What on earth would you go to court for?
To spend tax payer money on a frivolous lawsuit?</p>
<p>hyperlite: Aren’t they screwing a student’s career? That sounds like damage enough to me. But you’re right, the I-20 and the lady’s confirmation sounds more than enough to me. It is a public university (so I’m even more sure that it can’t be a hoax uni). It says 18k on the international student’s webpage (Heading: International student costs). I’m just asking, is it possible for TUITION costs to be this out?</p>
<p>pinkstrawberry: No, like I said that my friend stressed the tuition being 26k/yr. The other costs are not what I’m discussing.</p>
<p>do they have in-state/out-of-state/international tuition? if so, your friend may be under a different tuition bracket than you. but if your I-20 says 18k, than for whatever reason that is the amount the university is saying you would owe. this may seem obvious, but check to make sure the form is current. also, can’t you check tuition online? most schools have websites with the cost-of-attendance listed…</p>
<p>screwing a student’s career? no that is not enough damage. courts would expect you to prove specific harm that could not be remedied. like, if you had other university options with similar academic opportunities, then you would be in for an uphill battle. or, if the form you had was outdated (even if it was the form they gave you), it would seem like you didn’t do your part to make sure the figures were correct. lawsuits are rarely about right v wrong, it’s about what you can prove, the extent of the damage, and what role each party played. also, stuff like this gets buried in paperwork. </p>
<p>it’s likely the university isn’t trying to screw you over. i guess it’s remotely possible they falsely report the tuition to get students in and then immediately hike it up. THAT is highly unethical and probably illegal (again, don’t know the laws, there are prob tons of state and national statutes that govern this kind of thing). so your lawsuit question is really vague.</p>
<p>You have absolutely no grounds for a lawsuit. That is absolutely ridiculous.</p>
<p>But go by what your I-20 said.</p>
<p>The website figures (international fees, not instate/out of state) coincide with the figure on the I20, not with the one my friend said.</p>
<p>well then there you go. your friend is either mistaken (if he’s an international) or your friend is under a different tuition bracket. as long as the website and I20 match, you’re fine :)</p>
<p>If you just told us what university you are going to I’m sure someone could have a definite answer in no time.</p>
<p>^ people are so secretive</p>
<p>I think it must have been some misunderstanding between me and the friend.</p>