<p>AP Physics C
AP Economics
AP Art History
English Honors
Spanish Honors
College Math class</p>
<p>Is this schedule rigorous enough to get into top schools (HYP), assuming I do well in each of the classes?</p>
<p>AP Physics C
AP Economics
AP Art History
English Honors
Spanish Honors
College Math class</p>
<p>Is this schedule rigorous enough to get into top schools (HYP), assuming I do well in each of the classes?</p>
<p>Impossible to say without knowing what your school offers and what you’ve already taken. If there’s AP Spanish and AP English, honors is weak.</p>
<p>Most serious students in junior year in my school will be taking AP Bio, AP US History, AP English, and maybe an AP Math. Unfortunately, APUSH and AP English cannot fit into my schedule due to my college math class.</p>
<p>Then I would find another math class. Kids who have gone past high school math are a dime a dozen at top colleges, it’s not enough to just have that. You can do math online. Also make sure to do math competitions to be truly competitive.</p>
<p>and also be sure to invent your own mathematical formula</p>
<p>Is this schedule rigorous enough for HYP? (This is my alternative to my first schedule):</p>
<p>AP Physics C
AP Art History
AP English Language
Spanish Honors
College Math</p>
<p>Any more help please?</p>
<p>I don’t know if I would bumb AP Econ for AP Art History.</p>
<p>What are you thinking of majoring in?</p>
<p>Take the schedule that best matches your future interests. Admission to HYP isn’t based on whether you took AP Econ or AP Art History or a high enough math class-it’s about what you have accomplished in high school-a decently rigorous academic record backed up with good test scores, rave reviews from teachers who know you well, ECs that make you stand out from the crowd, and essays that really show who you are and why they should want you.</p>
<p>^^ what M’s Mom said.</p>