Is this realy bad? :S

<p>My dad gave me his Penn sweatshirt from when he went to Penn, and I'm wearing it. Is it bad luck to buy shirts/hoodies/sweatshirts from colleges that you don't go to? (in terms of applying) I got into Stanford and I bought one of their hoodies in 4th grade but... is it bad luck like really?</p>

<p>Terrible. You might as well withdraw your application at this point.</p>

<p>how do I withdraw applications?</p>

<p>Are you serious?</p>

<p>Yeah… he said it was bad?</p>

<p>It’s really easy: you stab yourself in the side of the head with an ice pick. Your next of kin can worry about the paperwork.</p>

<p>That’s not nice.</p>

<p>“how do I withdraw applications?”
i actually laughed for a good minute there</p>

<p>Ahahaha I’m still laughing. But yes, for our sake and the rest of humanity, please follow muerteapablo’s instructions accordingly.</p>

<p>hahahah slit across the street please… not down the street this time</p>

<p>What? But is it okay if I make it unlucky… I already got in somewhere else so I’m okay right?</p>

<p>Stoompy, are you a ditz or do you ask questions like this for fun?</p>

<p>Wearing the sweatshirt of an elite college is actually very good luck. That fourth grade Stanford hoodie is probably the only reason you got in there. LOL</p>

<p>Seriously, there is no bad or good luck related to college shirts, etc. unless you wear the wrong one to a college interview.</p>

<p>Many superstitions have some real basis. If you walk under a ladder, you can get paint, or a heavy wrench, dropped on you. “Three on a match” being unlucky dates from the world wars when leaving a match lit too long attracted sniper fire. Back in the bad old days, having a lucky rabbits foot simply meant you had gotten to eat the rabbit</p>

<p>I guess we’re all kind of superstitious; I’m simply surprised at how far Stoompy takes it. Even if she’s not serious, the fact that she thought this thread could be taken as a joke is also bemusing.</p>

<p>Not really sure what to think right now.</p>

<p>This is funny. I still don’t know if Stoompy was joking or not…</p>

<p>HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Dear lord!!! XD it’s a good thing i just went to the bathroom before this or else…omg. i do hope you are joking Stoompy…either way it’s hilarious!!! :D</p>

<p>Good lord. I hope this is a joke because apparently this person got into Stanford.</p>

<p>^^ i’m just wondering if the rest of the ppl at Stanford are like this… o.0</p>

<p>wow, this person got into stanford.
we should all be shoo-ins then!!</p>

<p>But honestly, it doesn’t mean anything! I wear my Stanford sweater to school and wore it to my SATs once, but only because its the most comfortable sweater i have! Stanfords one of my last choices, and I highly doubt I’ll even get in. Wearing college clothing doesn’t mean anything, unless, of course you wear a college shirt, and a black cat crosses your path. THEN, you’ve got a problem.</p>

<p>stoompy owns you allllll