<p>Hi, I'm aly. I have my sights set on attending Dartmouth in the fall of 2013 with a concentration in either English, history, or political science with the intention of practicing law. I would like to know if my course schedule is rigorous enough, or if I should opt into some harder classes.</p>
<p>Italian 2
English 10 Honors
US AP History
Geometry level 1
Biology level 1
Business and Personal Law
<p>I also have extensive extra cariculars.</p>
<p>Sorry for the spelling error in the title!</p>
<p>It depends on your school. Out of those classes, how many APs/honors are offered? Ideally you should take as many of the advanced classes as you can handle. If you think opting into one or several harder classes will be too much for you, then don’t. But keep in mind that the most competitive applicants are taking close to the most difficult schedule available to them.</p>
<p>AP History is the only AP class offered to sophomore, Honors english is the highest english class offered in my school. I don’t have the option to take italian honors until my junior year.</p>
<p>hmm you really should bulk up the level of your course work, possibly double up on maths/ sciences to catch up to Dartmouth standards, + drop some of the related arts courses like gym (etc…) cuz Dartmouth doesn’t care about those courses, fill in those spots with extra academic courses, you need to make as much effort in taking the most rigorous courses your school offers + maybe community/online college courses to supplement because Dartmouth is such a difficult school to get acceptance in. good luck :)</p>