Is this true about fail grades in high school

<p>I had a senior tell me at school today that if you make up a class you failed during the school year in summer school, your summer school grade will replace your fail grade.</p>

<p>I highly doubt this is true. The only way I could see this happening is if the grade one gets in summer school will factor into their GPA along with the fail grade.</p>

<p>yeah i think tahts true. thas what the counselors told us</p>

<p>@lifeistough- wow really? But the UCs will still know of the failing grade right? I mean, it’s not like your failing grade will be expunged will it? I got a “D” in Alg2H in the first semester of my sophomore year but I made it up in SS.</p>

<p>^ They will see it, even if you “made it up” during the summer. They will know that you redid the class and received a better grade, but the first grade is still there regardless, at least to my knowledge. (You could always try looking at the UC application to make sure if you have to report that initial failing grade anywhere.)</p>

<p>I don’t know why counselors always tell students this, though. The counselors at my high school said nearly the same thing, but I suppose I should give them the benefit of the doubt. I guess, if your high school replaces it on your official transcript, then they aren’t lying. If I’ve learned anything from the whole college process and life, don’t take anyone’s word for it. Always get your information from various sources and from those who determine the policy (who are sometimes wrong unfortunately -_-). Heck, don’t even take my word for it. Call up the school. (Different UCs have different policies.) Just be aware that sometimes when you call the school, you might actually be talking to a student worker…</p>

<p>well they prolly see it but they take ur new grade for your overall gpa NOT the old one.</p>

<p>can anyone tell me if i have met my a-g req.?</p>

<p>ok so here is the situation. i took ap chem these last two terms. and i got a b- and a D+. first of all for all those people thinking that im stupid im not. most people that read this go to a semester school meaning that you have 30 weeks to learn 18 ch. but for me i have 18 weeks to learn 18 ch. because im on the quarter system. </p>

<p>anyways in the spring can i just take second term regular chemistry to repeat grade or do i have to take second term ap chem again too meet the a-g req.?</p>

<p>btw my dream school is uc davis i need some chances. </p>

<p>uc gpa -3.65-3.75 by the end of this year, i have taken 12 h/ap. plan to take ap calc ab and bio next year
act 31 and subject tests chem 680, math 2 670
personal statement- assume its average for accepted applicants
ec’s- 4 year nhs, csf, t+f, mesa. i won league last year in the triple jump. 200 hr at hospital, foodbank. </p>

<p>for a reference use this: <a href=“http://www.universityofcalifornia.ed…/ucd_chart.pdf%5B/url%5D”>http://www.universityofcalifornia.ed…/ucd_chart.pdf</a></p>

<p>^^yes, you could drop down and replace AP chem with college prep chem to fulfill the a-g requirements. But Davis will be a reach, since it has been extremeley competitive over the past few years – 3.9’s have been rejected. However, your atypical life story/essay could work well for you.</p>

<p>btw: I think you will find that med school will be an even a bigger reach unless you have a hook. Med school is all about gpa+test scores.</p>

<p>but if you look on the act table you will see that they accept about 84% on applicants last year. and yes i know it is going go down this year but im just saying. btw a friend just told me that i should stop worrying because uc davis are building more resid. halls so that means that want more students </p>

<p>btw i do have a live experience here is a summary of what i wrote:
(i kind of integrated the 4 topics below into my two essays)

  1. when i was a freshman my parents got in an accident and i had to start taking care of my whole family. what i mean is that my chores got tripled, i needed to help my parents move through the house, and i had to walk my bro to school before i went. My school and his school are in 2 opposte directions.
  2. i also wrote about how the envioronment i grew up in has shaped me to be a strong perservering leader and how people see me as a leader not because of my large frame (6’3, 190) but because of the strong personality i have.
  3. how my parents accident coupled with my volunteering at the hospital work has changed my outlook on life and how i found my true calling which is medicine because God has blessed me with intelligence and lots of empathy towards the needy and weak.
  4. i also included in my essay a great quote from one of a famous surgeon (i am drawing a blank on his name right now) but it said " i was never the smartest in med school, but what i lacked in ability i made up with through discipline." i think this quote really applies to me and i explained why.</p>

<p>Futuresurgeons, I think you have a great chance at Davis. I know a girl who got a D in a science course and ended up in UCSB so don’t lose hope because of that. </p>

<p>That being said, aim for the 3.75. Use this [University</a> of California: StatFinder](<a href=“]University”> to see the average GPA and SAT scores for admits from your school. It will help bring things into perspective.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>bump please read and chance post 6 and 8</p>