<p>I'm a Canadian, in Ontario, hoping to go to the US for university, and I'm just wondering about how grades here are compared to grades in the US for high school.</p>
<p>I have a friend who plays a high level of hockey - he's being offered scholarships to lots of places in the States, including a full scholarship to Princeton. He said that the reps he's talked to from each university said that they, typically add 5-10% to your average if you're from the Canadian high school system. So my friend who's average is around mid or low 80's would actually be considered low 90's.</p>
<p>Is this true? Does anyone have experience in this? I'm wondering because if this is true I'd feel at least a bit more confident right now.</p>
<p>I have no clue, except I have found that, being a student that has been in both American and Canadian public school systems, it is harder to get 90+ in Canadian schools. </p>
<p>That said, just do IB, get 6’s, and you’re all set :p</p>
<p>that would be absolutely awesome were it be true, i have a low 90s average in a canadian school. If they actually bump it up in comparison to americans, i’m in decent shape.</p>
<p>Yeah, I’ve heard of this… I have the same thing, low-90’s average at a Canadian school. Teachers here claim it’s a lot more difficult than American schools.</p>