<p>Trinity I think is a better known for the academics, but let me tell you, Fordham is exellent for academics too. It depends on what you are look for. I would go for Fordham b/c it is in NY. The Fordham students that I have met seem very happy. Tour them both, and then see which one your D prefers.</p>
<p>S. was accepted to Trinity and visited a couple years ago but ultimately went to another LAC. I was on campus twice and think very highly of Trinity and faculty. I know there's a reputation, but dig at most schools and you'll hear the same. I think their programs are superb, faculty I saw were tops. </p>
<p>I think the revisits are crucial - it's a chance for students to get to interview their prospective classmates and each school does have a certain flavor that you may or may not be comfortable with. </p>
<p>I've also heard concerns about Hartford. I worked there 25 years ago and had no bad experiences. It's a city - with all the advantages and disadvantages of one. Safety is an issue only if people are careless. Unless you're uncomfortable with cities in general, I don't think it's any different than Denver, Boston, New Haven, etc.</p>
I know there's a reputation, but dig at most schools and you'll hear the same.
I really think this is so true. The moniker is put on so many schools and scares us parents. It's often NOT put on schools which nevertheless have high binge-drinking rates, etc. </p>
<p>I think the key is whether your kid can find "her people." Which an overnight would be a help in determining.</p>
<p>Hartford doesn't scare me, but then I'm a "city girl." The school is in a difficult part of town but the school does a lot to contribute to the city, the K-12 education of Hartford kids etc.</p>
<p>Trinity has a great academic reputation as others have said above. The kids who apply/go there from our area are not the party-focused kids.</p>
<p>dont be scared of hartford, its really not that bad. also, i know people who were hardcore drinkers at trinity as well as people who never touched the stuff, so i think there is a niche for everyone. there will definitely be a large contingency stumbling around campus on saturday nights, but thats not any different from any other school.</p>