Is UCLA now better than UC Berkeley?

<p>Everyone that I know that got into UCLA got into Cal. Some people got into Cal’s engineering school, but didn’t get into UCLA’s college of letters and science.</p>

<p>Even if UCLA’s students stats are higher than Berkeley’s, that wouldn’t make it “better”. I believe someone already used this phrase, but picking which school for undergraduate studies is better is like “splitting hairs”. It really just comes down to personal preference.</p>

<p>As far as I know, UCLA has a slightly lower acceptance rate while Berkeley’s average stats are slightly higher. You be the judge of which is harder to get into, because I honestly don’t know.</p>

<p>First of all, UCLA garners more research funding than any other UC and it has a Medical School and Film School which Berkeley lacks. UC San Diego is not even in the equation, because it functions more like a high-level technical college than a well-rounded UC by focussing almost exclusively on the sciences. In addition, UCSD does not have a law school, whereas UCLA has one of the top ones in the country. There’s just no comparison there.</p>

<p>Do some googling before spouting non-sense. This thread helped me tremendously. I didn’t know UCSD was such a power house in research before this thread. I mean I know that now but not before this thread.</p>

<p>I also kind of have doubt about these one post poster. What are you hiding?</p>

<p>Can we all just agree that they all have great programs to offer and that anybody who gets to attend any of those universities is very fortunate?</p>

<p>I think post #42 becomes a stupid comment when it mentions law school. Having a law school does not make it a great school. Look at Caltech and MIT . Both fantastic schools without law or medical schools.</p>