Is UofA easy to get in to? could I get in?

<p>I hear besides ASU UofA is really easy to get in to. Is it true? could i get in?</p>

<p>My credentials are 2.8 unweighted GPA/ 3.7 weighted gpa
1530 SAT/ 22 act (plan on taking both agian)
Swim team
Mentoring kids club
International Baccualerate Program/I’ve take 6 ap classes got credit for 2
Upward trend grades</p>

<p>ASU is rated as very easy to get into while U of A is rated as easy to get into. Your credentials look good. You should be able to get in just fine. U of A is the way to go, don’t be persuaded by the folks further north in Tempe. ;)</p>

<p>I have never seen such a spread between weighted and unweighted. WOW!</p>