Is USC Calling Applicants on the Phone?

<p>So Yesterday I got a missed call (and on my caller id it said USC). When I called back someone from USC Marshall answered but told me that it was probably a wrong number or something because she said "I never call applicants from this phone". Interestingly, my status says being reviewed (and has been like that for a while). Its never gone to forwarded so i expected that my app still hasn't been sent to Marshall, but they somehow had my phone number. Does this mean anything?</p>

<p>(btw, i applied to Marshall, so its not a random school)</p>

<p>A couple of SCA applicants have gotten calls requesting phone interviews from people within the department.</p>

<p>was this (the CSA applicants) following auditions or anything or were they just during the process? Also has anyone heard from Marshall or was it a mistake (hopefully not :))</p>

<p>I haven’t heard of any Marshall applicants getting called for interviews. For SCA applicants they just randomly called a lot of people to tell them their supplemental essays stood out.</p>

<p>Today I got a call while I was in school from Alhambra, CA. I looked it up and its right outside of USC. It has to have been from USC but of course I cleared all of my recent calls (they make that waaay to easy to do by accident on the iPhone) and now I cant call back. Really confused/curious right about now.</p>

<p>Hm…USC has a medical school campus located in Alhambra, CA and perhaps some offices in Alhambra as well</p>

<p>i want a phone call : P</p>

<p>Id rather have an acceptance packet… and its seems like many got them today. :(</p>

<p>I desperately want one too unless they decided they are sending their rejections this year through the phone…lol I was JK, don’t panic everyone.</p>

<p>The thing that sucks with USC is that the later you go without receiving acceptance, the less likely it is to happen at all and the more likely it is that youll be hearing from them in the first week of April… :(</p>

<p>^so trueee :[</p>