<p>It defnitely is for me. I applied to DU, vandy, Harvard, and Stanford. Even if I got accepted to Harvard I would probably go to Vandy :) Is it anybody else's top choice? If so why?</p>
<p>i decided vandy over ivy/stanford/MIT etc for the superior social scene</p>
<p>I’m a nature person. I’m in love with the trees, grass, leaves, and squirrels.</p>
<p>If you got into all of those vandyclassoof2013 and chose vandy I would call that a mistake.</p>
<p>im planning on getting a masters. considering its really only the last degree that matters for jobs, i wanted to have fun during undergrad.</p>
<p>i got in EA at MIT, but i hated it when i visited.</p>
<p>I like Duke as much or more than HYPS for the social scene combined with the academics.</p>
<p>Vanderbilt, not quite as much.</p>
<p>Vandy is my top choice, but not my dream school. If that makes any sense to you.</p>
<p>^ It does! What’s your “dream school,” then?</p>
<p>Brown. You should know that!</p>
<p>Luke, did you really have to say that? I don’t think so. Yes, we know you got accepted to Duke but you don’t have to bash Vandy.</p>
<p>Thanks for applying to a school where you’ll get accepted at, but don’t even like.</p>
<p>Love, Hillary =]</p>
<p>rejected at duke… waitlist at jhu… top choice still to come.</p>
<p>im hoping my trend is
reject –> waitlist –> accept</p>
<p>Whoa, whoa, whoaaaaa…slow down, Hillary
I would never “bash” Vanderbilt!</p>
<p>I never said I didn’t like Vandy! I just said I like Duke a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittle bit more. They’re very similar in many ways: great academics, Southern, great social scene, etc.</p>
<p>There’s still a great chance I’ll be a Commodore (or a Commie, however you wanna say it ;)) if Vandy is more generous than Duke!</p>
<p>Oh, ok. I just saw that you bolded Duke and was like “umm… wut?”</p>
<p>If I get into Vandy, I’m so going to call myself a Commie! I can’t believe I haven’t thought of that before!</p>
<p>duke is not southern. ive visited both vandy and duke. trust me. duke is closer to a wannabe northern ivy than a southern school.</p>
<p>and duke isnt a party school. academics are a bit better though, at least in the eyes of USNWR</p>
<p>Vanderbilt is my first choice. I applied to the Engineering school. </p>
<p>I was accepted at Georgia Tech, Rose Hulman, Virginia Tech, and Case for engineering. I still prefer Vandy but my parents are pushing GT because they think GT has a better rep for engineering.</p>
<p>Fortunately, the decision is mine. Or should I say Vandy’s? If they accept me, I’m going. If they reject me, its likely GT.</p>
<p>Duke is far more Southern than any Northeast school, though. True, it’s student population is probably more geographically diverse than Vandy’s (so, less predominantly Southern), but it’s in North Carolina and definitely has a decidedly different (alliteration much?) vibe from HYPS.</p>
<p>and it is a huuuuggggee party school, are you kidding me?
[Rolling</a> Stone](<a href=“Music News”>Music News)
As the article says, the book “I Am Charlotte Simmons” is entirely based on Duke.</p>
<p>Vandy is a bit of a party school, too, of course :)</p>
<p>Stop bolding things, for the love of yahweh and allah and god!</p>
<p>Duke was a great place to spend your college years in the 70s and up to the 80s as demonstrated here: [YouTube</a> - Beer Frisbee '86](<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHgrZHfx-6s]YouTube”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHgrZHfx-6s).</p>
<p>Not even close to that culture these days. When we talk about “culture”, we’re referring to something prominent enough that it’s easily observable on say a Friday afternoon. Sure, Duke (just like anywhere) has a group of kids that live by the work hard, play hard motto, but they’re a small minority, this is not arguable. I’m not alone when I say if I went to Duke, I would probably have to make up for it by being extremely scandalous as well.</p>
<p>Also, I didn’t read that article, but I’m sure if I did, it would sound like a normal party albeit with hyperbole.</p>
<p>Vandy is my top choice far and away! I’ll BE THERE next fall!!! I picked it because it combines a fantastic conservatory-style music school with amazing academics and a great social scene. Also, it’s in NASHVILLE. For those of you who don’t know, my life ambition is to get into country music. Vandy was kind of the ONLY choice!</p>
<p>i love itt i hope i get in haha i love country music too ^ my friends are always like “…really?”
not sure my parents would let me go since it’s so far
but hey, i can dream =)</p>