Is Veganism A Good Topic For My Common App Essay?

Hi y’all, I need some help deciding if this is a good essay topic or not. I have been vegan my whole life, which is pretty unique especially being from the south. It’s a big part of who I am and has influenced all lot of my choices when it comes to advocacy for things like the environment. Basically, there is a lot I can get into about this topic, but I am not even sure if it’s an appropriate topic to discuss. Also, I’m planning to study visual communications with a focus on graphic design while in college, so I’m wondering how that would fit into the bigger purpose of the essay. If you have any input it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

It is a great topic. However, a caveat. Your essay is about you showing them something about yourself. There is a danger that you may talk more about veganism and the reasons for your veganism than about yourself.

Remember that the essay is about you, and remember the mantra “show, don’t tell”. There is always that danger, when writing about a philosophy or lifestyle choice, that one can start telling the reader about the philosophy or choice, rather than showing the reader something about yourself which.

As for tying it into your major - do you see a connection? If not, that 100% OK - you do not need to make that connection.

Good luck!


A with any topic, it depends on what you do with it, and how you write it. It could be a great topic but make it personal. No need to tie it to your major. I would be happy to look at it via PM when you finish.


Just keep in mind that your app is basically a job application- a sales pitch on why they should pick you for that space. Look at the overall picture that all the other parts of your app paints- and use your essay to show them the parts of you that they either won’t get from your stars / ECs / LoRs, and/or connect the dots between them. What kind of student and member of the school community do you want them to see you as being? Then use veganism (or whatever) as the tool to show those parts of you. The essay should always be about you- your topic is just a tool for demonstrating something about you.


Alright, thanks for that advice, and you’re right about the whole “show don’t tell” thing. I’m still thinking of some other topic ideas but this feedback definitely helps me think a little clearer about how to plan my essay. Thanks for replying so quickly!

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