Is VT Admissions Farming out the 4 Essay Prompts for a Summary?

I’ve heard that the Admissions office is not reading the 4 essay prompt answers on the applications, and that they are farming them out to receive a summary. Has anyone heard this?

Can you clarify what you mean by this?

If you mean that Virginia Tech is having a third party read the prompts, then I think you’re right. When one of the admission representatives visited my school I remember him saying they were doing something like that.

Yes, this is what I had heard, wanted to know if anyone else had heard the same. Not sure that it matters one way or another.

No matter, all applicants should still answer them thoughtfully.

Very interesting! Also, do you NOT submit the main essay in the coalition app?

Any confirmation on this? As far as I know, admissions read the 4 essays.

Hello folks,

The short answer essay questions are evaluated by a committee of trained readers. This group consist of the admissions staff and other Virginia Tech faculty and staff members. The readers undergo bias training in addition to training how to read and evaluate essay responses.

Each essay is read by a minimum of two readers. The readers will only see the essay question responses. Whereas, the admissions staff will have access to and evaluate the other elements of the application.