Last year about half way through junior year, shortly after coming out as gay, I decided to lose weight. At that point I weighed 285 pounds. My biggest weight was 291 pounds. Now I weigh 210 pounds. That’s 81 pounds lost and I still have 30 more to go. Is this a good subject to write about? Any tips for writing about this subject?
How did it change your inner self / personality?
Any subject can be good but it depends on how you write it.
I’m a sucker for a weight loss story so I can see how it could be an attractive topic for an essay. I don’t have any specific tips, though.
This could be a terrific topic. Try it and see if you like the person who comes through, what it says about you and about what you have to offer a school. And congrats on a major achievement, by the way.
Agreed, it can be a great topic. Be sure to keep the focus on you — why you made the decision, lifestyle choices you made, how weight loss has impacted you, future goals etc. And congrats.
I think it has potential.
I think it is an excellent topic for you. It shows perseverance, grit, and determination. Congratulations on such an important, healthy achievement. Coming out as gay and losing weight, not easy to do. Stay true to yourself and your essay will shine!
As mentioned previously, it depends on how you write it. I’m just replying because I want to congratulate you for your courage and perseverance! I wish you an authentic and happy life.
Thank you to everyone who commented! Your words mean a lot to me. I’ll definitely use this topic now.
Don’t delve on the details of your workout or diet,but rather focus more on your determination, your self-control, your renewed self-confidence etc.
Great job on achieving this amazing feat.