Is Wisconsin getting "easier?"

<p>Madison is the school where the "smart" kids in my school go. My schools is in ND, and usually 4-6 kids go off to Wisconsin each year, and no more.
However, this year, EVERYONE is geting accepted and EVERYONE is going. People with sub 2.8 GPA's and 22 ACT scores are getting admitted, many (not all) of whom don't have decent extra curricular activities, or extenuating circumstances.</p>

<p>I wasn't even going to bother applying next year with a 3.72 GPA, but now It's starting to seem like a sure thing. Did Wisconsin's admissions standards take a HUGE dip this year, or is it just a weird coincidence?</p>

<p>No, and I doubt the stories. Many more of kids with a 3.7 GPA and 27+ ACT getting rejected or waitlisted. Maybe they are going to UW-Superior.</p>

<p>No. I am surely confident that these kids are going to MADISON. </p>

<p>4-5 kids that I know of who have gotten in with GPA's under 3.0.
2-3 with 22-23 ACT's.</p>


<p>Ya you need to get your facts straight. They have been wait listing lots of 3.7 type kids and based on their percentage charts they would have no shot. Maybe unless they are recruited for sports I don't believe it. I would guess if anything its getting tougher with more and more applicants.</p>

<p>There is no way possible.</p>

<p>I got postponed with a 3.6 and 28 ACT, and with outstanding letters of rec, and strong EC</p>

<p>Maybe your confusing UW-Madison with UW-Milwaukee or something</p>

<p>Yeah, either they're lying, or they're confusing UW with UW-Milwaukee.</p>

<p>As far as I know, I have all my information straight. The fact that it doesn't make sense is why I asked about it.</p>

<p>The fact that you are IU'14 makes me think trolling. They would not even get into much easier IU.</p>

<p>Uh yeah, the fact that I plan to go to IU totally makes me a troll.</p>

<p>And IU isn't nearly as selective as UW.</p>

<p>The fact you are saying someone with a 22 and a 2.8 got in makes you an obvious troll.</p>

<p>An athlete, maybe. But the average ACT score is pushing 29 and the average GPA for OOS students (which is often on a harder scale) has been near 3.6 for some time. </p>

<p>No. Just no.</p>

<p>22 and a 2.8 and admitted to Madison? Hahahahahahahahaha. I don't think so, my friend.</p>

<p>yea scores have only gone up in recent years with such a large applicant pool.... Not a chance</p>

<p>you guys are being a little harsh. if they heard this, then why doubt? he's just asking if this is possible or not and it seems as though you all think he's dismissing uw-madison as a sub-par school (which is not the case at all).</p>

<p>Remember that 25% of students will have stats below the 25-75% range.</p>

<p>"Remember that 25% of students will have stats below the 25-75% range."</p>

<p>What does that mean? I'm not entirely sure that is true if it means what I think it does.</p>

<p>Not from one school or area unless it is a minority school with lots of recruitment. It just does not pass the smell test. Also the 25% who get in with low ACTs will have higher grades. That's the problem with averages. It does not measure the same people for scores and grades.</p>

<p>Stories of 24 and 25 ACT's at UW are not that uncommon - my daughter's good friend was accepted - 24 ACT, decent grades from a good Minneapolis suburban school, where last year UW admitted in excess of 80 students out of a class of 550.</p>