Is Yale the Gay Ivy?

<p>I don't know. I have been hearing rumors about this. Any thoughts? anyone?</p>

<p>Finally a post with potential.</p>

<p>Not sure- I’ve never heard any rumors about this… but then again I come from a totally conservative area. Ivy schools in general are schools for gay liberal smart asians</p>

<p>[YouTube</a> - That Yale Thing](<a href=“]YouTube”></p>

<p>In the sense that Yale is the place to come out of the closet if you’re gay? Yes, I’ve heard that it is. In the sense that the majority of the population is gay? No, of course not. Only ten percent of the general population is homosexual; I would imagine the numbers would be similar at Yale.</p>

<p>Sure, just like pink is a gay color and bananas are gay fruit.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t be surprised if it was some right-wing pundit that coined the term “Gay Ivy” and applied it to Yale…</p>


<p>At random a swarthy Irishman drags a student out of his room, and into a New Haven brothel:</p>

<p>“Step roight up, Boy-o! Tonight, yeer gonna show us just how greaht you are at ‘getting in’, eh? Ohhhh, don’t look so scared; a hole’s a hole!”</p>

<p>If you refuse, they just put you in front of the prostitute.</p>

<p>I think the reason why people make this association is that the atmosphere is accepting of gays and lesbians so students are more open about it, i would tend to think that the homosexual population at the other ivies is a similar size, but perhaps not as vocal about it.
If it’s something you’re uncomfortable with, or other “liberal” (whatever that means…) topics than you should really think about what Yale will be like for you because I can tell you right now that they have no qualms about most topics that a lot of people avoid. However, if you’re someone with conservative thoughts of your own, but are open to what other people believe then Yale will be fine for you—they are very open about things, but not pushy about it. You know what I mean?</p>

<p>Way to stomp my joke with actually useful advice, Denebola.</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure about 85% of Yale is ultra conservative. They all love George Bush.</p>

<p>*Yale University has been affectionately termed the Gay Ivy. Located In New Haven, Connecticut, the campus has a strong history of student involvement and activism to change the queer tides on campus.</p>

<p>Unlike the other Ivy League campuses listed, Yale University relies solely on out LGBT student leaders to push for the advancement of queer issues and to create a welcoming LGBT Campus climate. Yale’s LGBT students take a tremendous pride in their self-reliance and admit that the Yale LGBT experience is what you make of it. The LGBT Cooperative, founded in 1981, is the leading student-run umbrella group that supports the work of a number of student LGBT coalitions. These groups include an active Queer Political Action Committee, a peer-run group for freshmen called Not So Straight Frosh, and social groups called Queer Women/Ya!Lesbians and GaYalies.</p>

<p>Each group, under the umbrella of the LGBT Co-op, generates all kinds of queer activities during the semester. The most notorious of these is the Co-op dance – a scandalous schoolwide queer dance that serves as the LGBT fundraiser on campus. Other LGBT activities include study breaks, dance parties, protests, guest speakers, workshops, movie nights, performances, and art projects – to name a few. LGBT life at Yale is constantly changing with the flow of student organizers and leaders within the LGBT Co-op. The result is a dynamic, ever-changing queer scene and ample opportunities for leadership on campus. One LGBT student declares: “It’s easy to be queer here. Yale is very accepting and supportive of alternative sexuality. Even with the extreme diversity of thought on campus, most students have at least a live-and-let-live attitude towards students.”</p>

<p>Caveat: Yale takes pride in being called the “Gay Ivy.” But is it exactly true? A quick glance shows that LGBT students have had to fend for themselves. Other Ivy League schools have LGBT staff, a resource center, and other established institutional commitments to support queer student life. One LGBT student states: “We are looking to join our peer institutions in having an LGBTQ Student Center as well as an LGBTQ administrator to ensure the quality of queer life at Yale.”*</p>

<p>~ Advocate College Guide</p>

<p>I’m a Bush fan - most people wouldn’t actually describe me as ultraconservative.</p>

<p>At least, not on the issue of gays.</p>

<p>“One in four, maybe more; one in two, maybe you”. Humorously started by Yale’s LGBT students?</p>

<p>^ I’ve never understood that…It could be you in any proportion…</p>

<p>*Eighty-nine percent of students self-identified as heterosexual, 6 percent as homosexual, 4 percent as bisexual, and less than 1 percent identified their sexuality as something other than the previous three categories.</p>

<p>The random, anonymous poll was administered in six dining halls during dinner hours throughout the past month.*</p>

<p>[Yale</a> Daily News](<a href=“]Yale”></p>

<p>Yup…I’m in that < 1%</p>

<p>Trysexual. I’ll try anything sexual.</p>

<p>Congrats on one of the fastest growing threads.</p>

<p>It’s almost like the OP is asking a bunch of sexually frustrated overachievers a question about one of their top schools and sex.</p>

<p>Yale + sex = orgasmic</p>

<p>This seems funny. How could a school be gay? I mean there are gay ppl everywhere (even at my high school in Texas which is pretty red) and I doubt that it impacts social life at all, if that is what the OP is talking about.
I am a pretty conservative Christian and I would tell you that gay ppl are exactly like straight ppl, except with higher pitched voices j/k :slight_smile: I can understand some of the reluctance toward different things that seem a little gross, but I mean all the gay ppl I know are alright. I just don’t like the flamboyant ones.</p>