Is your school gay-friendly?

<p>My school is extremely homophobic. NO ONE is openly gay - that would be social suicide. Some people even get teased for being pro gay marriage. Not even the teachers tell people off for gay-bashing. I was so surprised when I went to a summer camp where some people were openly gay, not because someone else exposed them but because they knew no one would care. It was a great experience.</p>

<p>Wow, everyone on this board seems to go to very liberal schools. Haha, there has only been 1 openly gay guy at my school and everyone made fun of him. He ended up slapping a guy who kept mocking him. Haha, but yeah he switched schools after freshman year!</p>

<p>So, no my school is not accepting at all. (White conservatives, including myself to an extent, are not terribly openminded.) :)</p>

<p>I hope this post isn't insulting, however I have a feeling someone will misconstrue it.</p>

<p>No one at my high school would attack an openly gay student, but not many are very accepting. Mean jokes and that kind of crap. I've gotten really sick of it lately (I'm straight, but I think any kind of discrimination is disgusting). I'm glad that my college is way more accepting- haha, we're seventh on the list- Bryn Mawr!</p>

<p>I'm in Chicago, so it's pretty accepting.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, I'm the only openly gay kid at my school, so it's still really lonely :(.</p>

<p>I live near Toronto, in Canada. Our school's generally pretty accepting of gay students. We don't really have a GSA this year, but there were 200 people involved in day of silence last year (out of 1600). </p>

<p>There are certain people who aren't as accepting, but there's very little bullying. One of my gay friends did say the non-hetero dating culture at our school is pretty dry though.</p>

<p>The school I go to now? No.</p>

<p>The school I'll most likely be at next year? Moreso than a couple other schools around here.</p>

<p>But it's the Bible Belt, so what do you expect?</p>

<p>My school is pretty accepting, but I live in a pretty liberal area.</p>

<p>I live in Massachusetts as well, so everyone's accepting of the handful of openly gay kids at my school. Nobody is so much bothered by the fact that they're, but their individual personalities are so irritating that people generally have love/hate relationships with them.</p>

<p>we have a handful of gay/bi kids. one of my best friends came out, and we've all been really accepting of him. :) we have a GSA and a Day of Silence. Sure, there's a lot of Mormons and super conservatives that shun the gay kids, and there are lots of mean jokes and stuff, but there really hasn't been any physical attacks or stuff like that. And most people at my school are really accepting. We have more of a race issue than anything else. i'm sorry for the OP, i wish you all the best.</p>

<p>I'm in LA yes, if we weren't open to the gay community we'd be in trouble. XD One of my best friends last year was gay...I just don't think it matters much. As long as you don't make out in front of me, I don't care if you're gay or straight. (I don't wanna see straight people make out either.)</p>

<p>Nope. For a school that had an issue with establishing a Gay Straight Alliance club but still passed it, it's pretty intolerant. Also, sorry to mash the Mexicans together, but they are really intolerant and make fun of gays at our school which is like 30-40% Mexican (as well as other races for that matter)</p>

<p>I'm in MA, so yeah, the community's pretty accepting. A few of my friends are out and I don't think they've faced any verbal/physical attacks. We have had a couple of incidents with people ripping down GSA posters though, someone actually saw a teacher doing it...</p>

<p>I don't think a gay student would be persecuted per se, but there's a lot of casual homophobia, like "That's so gay', "Are you gay?", etc.</p>

<p>Yeah, and a lot of use of the word "fag" or "faggot." To be honest, it kind of scares me when I see people I'm going to college with next year using it with their friends or in videos because I don't know how they'll actually feel towards me if we happen to live near each other or something.</p>

<p>Wow... come to my school! Lots of people are gay.. it's like the most liberal school in teh world</p>

<p>About the pride issue: [url=<a href=""&gt;]Pride[/url&lt;/a&gt;]&lt;/p>

<p>yep.. i go to a pretty liberal school. although my school tends to be more gay-friendly when it's two hot chicks drunk at a party lol. but gay guys aren't hassled or anything (at least i don't see it)</p>

<p>I'm glad my school's pretty liberal, gay-friendly, and up with modern times. Like it should be, no one at my school really cares about sexual orientation when making friends and whatnot.</p>

<p>My school is obnoxiously liberal. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm liberal too, but my school's liberal to the point of suppressing all other opinions. I often find myself arguing conservative viewpoints that I don't even agree with because I'm so tired of all the one-sidedness of the dialogue here. </p>

<p>If you don't like a gay person here it's automatically assumed that it's <em>because</em> they're gay, not anything about their personality. Most of our openly gay students (I'm gay but in the closet for the most part) tend to stuff their sexuality in everybody's faces instead of just being normal, which is what they say they want to be treated as. We also have several openly gay and bisexual teachers and one who is transgendered.</p>

<p>The entire science department in my school is gay. They literally have orgies every Friday. No joke.</p>