ISEE Tests & Scratch Paper

My 5th Grade daughter is scheduled to the ISEE test at home via the Prometric online delivery mechanism.

The email instructions say that the desk where the candidate is taking the test cannot have pencils or paper. How are students supposed to do the two Math sections then? In similar ERB administered exams like the CTP-5 that my daughter has taken scratch paper and pencils were allowed.

I have never heard of a standardized test with Math sections where students are not allowed to do work on scratch paper.

Can anyone whose kid took the ISEE confirm if they were provided with scratch paper?

I’d just call them. When my son took the proctored test they confirmed the desk was clear, had him show front and back of scratch paper, and verify plain #2 pencils.

Thanks @SweetBoy1 I emailed ERB, TestInnovators, and Prometric. Heard back from TestInnovators and they confimed what you you say above - 2 pencils and 2 blank pieces of scratch paper are allowed.

BTW my daughter will be taking this test in the master bedroom of our apartment. Do you know if test takers can use the bathroom during the break (it would not involve leaving the room here) and if they are allowed to consume food and water during a break?

For the benefit of other parents, FYI my daughter was allowed to exit the room during the 10 min breaks, you just need to re-checkin towards the end of the break. While she was allowed only 2 papers and 2 pencils on her desk, we kept extra pencils and papers off to the side of the room and they had no objections. You are also allowed to keep food and drink off to the side for consumption during breaks.

Prometric online delivery does not seem great. They rely on agents working from home and you are at the mercy of their connection. We spent 20 mins doing initial check-in and then the agent was not able to hand over to the proctor for 15 min and we had to redo with another agent.

We live in a high rise and no control over noises from planes, helicopters and landscaping/maintenance. Someone set off what sounded like a lawnmower for an hour. Daughter still finishing up, but I know she is good at maintaining focus so hopefully she did. We are supposed to get test results in no more than 72 hours.