<p>I went through the Gruber's Math book and found that the problems were too simple. Are CC members who recommend it readers that have actually used it and got an 800? For examples, the Gruber's math questions don't seem up to par with the last few questions on the SAT I Math sections.</p>
<p>I bought it but I have never used it. I don’t liked. It contains diagnostic tests. They confuse. I highly suggest using BARRON’S 23rd and BARRON’S Workbook. These two books helped me to raise from 460-640/720 in couple of weeks.</p>
<p>But Note that 99.9% of CC-ers don’t like BARRON’S.</p>
<p>Why do CCers love Gruber’s math so much? I have never used it so I don’t know how good it is. I keep hearing people say that Gruber’s problems are just like the problems that you find on the real SAT, then there are other people who say Gruber’s is too easy. Is the book only for people who are scoring low on the test, or is it also the best book for people who are scoring 700 and above?</p>
see my post below.^</p>
<p>you meant above :)</p>
<p>everyone just recommends the blue book, is that sufficient enough for people to know what sort of math problems will actually appear on the actual SAT? i find that gruber doesnt do that.</p>
<p>I don’t think the Gruber’s math is easy. I mean i can normally get 800 on Math for princeton review and ivy insider tests easily. I thought Gruber’s math was more thought based and you have to find a strategy to do them</p>
<p>Some of the test questions on Gruber’s would never show up on the SAT.<br>
:“How many subsets can you create in the set {1,2,3,4}”
I answered 16 because my Algebra teacher taught me the empty set counts as a subset. It said the answer was 15. Collegeboard wouldn’t post a question as controversial as that.</p>
<p>I was under the impression that Gruber’s is mainly for people who have scores sub 600 and would like to get them 650+</p>
<p>The diagnostic tests and strategies are good.</p>
<p>Wow… I tried to use Gruber’s and thought it was too hard (and somehow I got an 800 on the math section of the SAT =)</p>
<p>I agree that Grubber’s is too easy. BB is more realistic, but QAS are very complicated. GRUBBER’S Math is redicilously easy, especially 101 question you should know, I would better name it not as “101 question you should know” like "101 math manipulations or approachs you should know). But Practice Test at the end is more closer to BARRON’S rather than BB.</p>
<p>P.S Sorry guys I disliked BARRON’S.</p>
<p>Just compare my current Math results:</p>
<p>GRUBER’S math workbook: 740
BB(College Board’s SAT Study Guide): 650 average from 5 tests.
QAS 2009: 520
BARRON’S 23rd: 600
BARRON’S Math Workbook: 680</p>
<p>I realize how to get an 800 in Math now…</p>
<p>I used to just go through them semi slowly and just do them once. Now I realize it’s better to quickly do all of them using contest style strategies then go again and check your work slowly.</p>
<p>I find Gruber’s Practice Tests harder than the actual thing. However, the prep section is ridiculously easy.</p>
<p>maybe it’s me, but gruber’s sat math is ridiculously easier than any other math</p>