<p>There’s a nice description under “minors” for Israel studies, but none for Jewish studies. Can any describe the differences between them? Can any courses be used to “double dip?”</p>
<p>iwrite: </p>
<p>As far as courses go:
HIST-245 Modern Jewish Civilization (3 credits) is required for both, but that’s about it. </p>
<p>The vast majority of the Israel Studies program is on your own (Independent Reading, Independent Study, Senior Seminar and an approved internship). So in that sense I think it’s very much what YOU as a person what to look into as far as Israel or the Jewish faith goes. People also fulfill a lot of the course requirements while on Study Abroad.</p>
<p>The Jewish Studies program is a little different requiring:
Jewish Literature: Voices in Modern Jewish Literature, Interdisciplinary Approaches to Literature</p>
<p>Jewish Thought: Select Topics in Jewish Philosophy and Religion</p>
<p>Contemporary Jewish life Museums & Memory: Israel & U.S, American Jewish Popular Culture</p>
<p>Hope that helps.</p>