<p>So, I'm currently a sophomore at a top 20 University and am pre-med. So far, I've got a couple of concerns about how to go about getting into a medical school, the thing is, I don't mean any medical school, but one that is of the same sort of caliber as my undergraduate institution yet at the same time, I do not want to diminish what I want to accomplish at college. Here's my story tell me what you think:</p>
<p>I've already made a couple of no-no's in terms of pre-med, namely a C and C+ in Honors Gen Chem and Honors Calc IV, respectively during my freshman year. The thing is I wasn't exactly pre-med until midway through my freshman year when I had a unique volunteer experience in a clinic where I worked as a Spanish translator, and my desire for becoming a doctor really sparked. </p>
<p>Another thing is, I'm probably categorized as your run-of-the-mill over-achiever, although I cringe at the title. I do a lot of things on campus and I enjoy having a lot of things to do. I take extra classes (I'm planning on triple majoring in addition to doing pre-med coursework) each semester, all which go towards various major requirements, none of which by any stretch of the imagination are for "GPA Padding" if you will. I've always been interested in a variety of subjects, and therefore I am pursuing them as majors since I take extra classes. I also have 2 jobs, which I work about 8 hours a week due to work-study limitations, both are relevant to medicine/science. I play a varsity sport at a D-1 school also. Other things I do are I'm involved in a fraternity, I play an instrument in the university's concert band, I volunteer as a peer advisor to freshmen, and I translate spanish at a free-health clinic in the city. </p>
<p>That said, I really enjoy doing all of these things that I do yet, there is a harsh truth: my GPA. Granted, the classes that I take mainly have an median grade of about a B-, I have managed to make a 3.3 at the end of my freshman year. I just wanted to get everyone's input on my current situation. I really do want to get into a medical school comparable to that of my current undergrad school, but I know that my grades are not exactly up to par, yet I don't want pre-med to consume my college days. Is this simply a choice that I'm going to have to make if I want to get into a good medical school (I don't mean Harvard or Hopkins!)? Or can I still live the multi-faceted life that I do and still get into a school that I'm comfortable with? </p>
<p>Please let me know what you think!</p>