It has been 6 weeks...

<p>My application was completely in by October 31st and I still have not recieved an admissions decision. Should I call the office of admissions or do you think my decision will come this week? I am going crazy...I literally check my email/ uw status 50 times a day!</p>

<p>Same exact situation!! the status check website is on my favorites and i click it probably ten times an hour. I want to call/e-mail them but i don’t wanna be annoying or bother them. I just need to know!!</p>

<p>Be patient, don’t call them. Most early apps should hear by 1/15</p>

<p>same situation!!! I want to know now!!! I got my stuff in early and everything!!!</p>

<p>Repeat- applicants who applied early in the season should hear by January 15th, those who applied after the early response date may have to wait until March 15th. One more month at least, guys.</p>

<p>Hang in there, everyone. I know how hard it is - my son was in the same shoes last year. Some kids are hearing back, BUT it is NOT an indication of whether you will be accepted, denied or postponed. Timing is uneven - where you are in the “pile,” waiting for a guidance form or scores, or any number of things. There are numerous counselors and they vary by area. They have tons to do, and it does not always seem that there is any “definite order.”
My son applied early November and did not hear until Jan. 15th - he was accepted! Others were reporting having heard in Nov/Dec. It was hard to wait, but he is now a happy Badger. </p>

<p>In the meantime, focus on getting excellent grades for first semester - if you are postponed, it will help you turn that into an acceptance come Feb/March. Also make sure you keep applying to your other choices and make sure you’d be happy at more than one place. Try to be patient and keep your mind on other things and GOOD LUCK!</p>

<p>My son is in the same boat - everything has been in since 10/29. I checked to see who was his AC and the website said that the position covering our area is vacant and they are recruiting to fill it. I wonder if that is also contributing to the slow down / why some apps appear slower than others?</p>

<p>really? is that for Illinois?</p>

<p>Yes, in the Northwest suburbs. Looking at the web site there appear to be several AC’s for the Chicago area - which makes sense given the number of applicants. So I don’t know if each of the other AC’s are reviewing a few NW suburban apps in addition to their own - or are they sitting on them since they have until 1/15, and they are planning to have the position filled by then.</p>

<p>Area reps recruit at the individual schools in their area. That’s their main purpose. The admissions committee members evaluating applications aren’t for the most part area reps, so I doubt a vacant area rep position would slow down that application evaluation in any measurable way.</p>

<p>I’ve had all my stuff in since October 23rd and still haven’t heard back either. Hopefully we find out soon.</p>

<p>Will there be any status changes for the next two weeks or is the admissions office closed for the holidays?</p>