It looks like all of my materials were recieved by 11/3

<p>Now, it says that the date on my Wolverine is 11/3 does that mean I'm ineligible for ER? (i postmarked my materials by 10/31.
Also, when should I expect to have a decision by?</p>

<p>They claim that as long as it is postmarked by the 31st, you are good</p>

<p>I had a similar situation. My test scores were received on the 7th but postmarked on the 31st. I called to ask whether I qualified for ER and they said that I did, so you should as well.</p>

<p>My D had the same situation. Can anyone predict when they might be sending out results for applications postmarked on Nov. 1? My D hasn’t heard anything yet.</p>

<p>I think we’ll see a big batch next Thursday or Friday based on the pattern that Michigan has been releasing admissions. </p>

<p>If not then, then on the 24th…</p>

<p>As I’ve posted elsewhere on this forum, UMich says a “received date” up to and including Nov. 20 qualifies for ER. From the admissions website ( [University</a> of Michigan - Office of Undergraduate Admissions](<a href=“]University”> ):</p>



<p>From what I’ve ascertained thus far, it seems as though those students whose stats suggest that UM is a safety for them have recieved an acceptance already. So perhaps the admissions office is taking a closer look at those applications with less loaded stats now and those people will recieve a decision next week. However, in reference to the fact that your D has not recieved a decision yet, I don’t think it’s because of the date she submitted it, unless her stats are huge eg. 2300 SAT and 4.0 GPA. Though, this is a total guess, so I can’t be sure of anything. Someone please correct me if I’m way off the mark =)</p>

<p>I hope that’s not true. I applied on 10/28 with 2350 SAT, 800 800 SAT-II, and a 4.0 and I’ve heard nothing.</p>

<p>I hope I’m wrong too, and your stats seem to prove my theory incorrect. AWESOME! You’ll definitely get in, if not then there has probably been a mistake.</p>

<p>is the appearance of “Available links will vary based on application” on the wolverine page a Bad sign?</p>

<p>No, that’s been there the whole time.</p>