It looks like Jan 2010 will have the worst curve of all times

<p>I have a bad feeling on this now. The exam was so easy and the curve is going to be very harsh. My 2 cents</p>

<p>My prediction for the Math curve: 800/770/750/730/710
CR: 800/800/800/790/770/750/740</p>

<p>This is based on the people who have already reported and previous tests so it should be accurate.</p>

<p>Did you have to say that? Now I’m worried.</p>

<p>…That math curve is a *****.</p>

<p>Wasn’t -2 740 on the November test?</p>

<p>Oh, silver, thanks for ridding me of my sleep tonight.</p>

<p>Or maybe they’ll decide to be nice because it was easy. They can only make the curve so bad.</p>

<p>Yeah, don’t count on a math curve. The October test didn’t have one, either.</p>

<p>I really doubt the CR curve is that generous. I think I only missed 4 or 5, but I ended up with a 730.</p>

<p>I think it’s more like:
or like:

<p>Yeah silver, I got a 740 for -2 in November. As far as I know, that was the worst curve there’s ever been.</p>

<p>Gah, oh f:(ck. I wanted a better math curve than that in case I made a careless error.</p>

<p>What about Writing? Any guesses? I hope it’s a good curve in case of careless mistakes. : (</p>

<p>I don’t think the curve has that much to do with how easy it was. Idk if it applies to SATs but with my SAT IIs… I took Bio as a freshman and got a 780 while I was getting 650s on much harder practice tests.</p>



<p>-2 is always 800.</p>

<p>If the curve is that horrible for math, I am going to do something crazy. There is no freakin’ way 1 wrong is a 770. It better be 790 and all of you guys posting right now better be lying.</p>

<p>Leon, you got your scores too?!?</p>

<p>Lol. I completely messed up my essay. 78 MC Subscore + 8 on the Essay yielded a 750.</p>

<p>And yeah, I got my scores. More of a curse than a blessing though.</p>

<p>I’m hoping that people are underestimating the math section’s difficulty. Ordinary kids might struggle with that triangle in the cube question. Or that “how many paths to F” question. Or the other questions. Maybe it was harder for people. So -1 could be 790 and -2 could be 770. . . .</p>

<p>Although, in all likelihood, this is just a possibility (read “fantasy”).</p>

<p>I’m calling bs. I just checked and there is no way the curves are that horrible this year. There’s only been one time in the last few years that a -1 on math has yielded a 770.</p>

<p>So what are your predictions for the writing curve?</p>



<p>^GOD, I hope this is bull**** as well. -1 = 790 would make me so so happy. I really think I could have made a careless error or two on that test.</p>

<p>-1 on Math in Oct 09 was 770
and to whomever said that “maybe they’ll be nice”</p>

<p>I really doubt its at the test makers’ discretion lol
i think its an arbitrary system but then again, what do i know?</p>

<p>writing is really stupid
on my previous 2 attempts, ive gotten the following:</p>

<p>-4(wrong) with 8 essay: 660
-2(wrong) with 9 essay: 750</p>

<p>this time better be 790 or bust!
-2(max) with 10(min) essay
790 please please</p>

<p>not that it matters to any of my colleges but w.e</p>

<p>and by -2 max i mean i either got 1 wrong or 2 wrong but no more than 2.