<p>Housing: [Living</a> at Cal 2013-2014, UC Berkeley Housing](<a href=“http://www.housing.berkeley.edu/livingatcal/falltransfer.html]Living”>http://www.housing.berkeley.edu/livingatcal/falltransfer.html)
The suites, mini-suites, and apartments will give you a (almost) private bathroom. Each suite has its own bathroom, so you only have to share with a few other people. I was in a mini-suite in Unit 1 last semester (I got a bad lottery number) and we had no bugs. The general consensus seems to be that the apartments are best for transfers, assuming it doesn’t mess with your financial aid.</p>
<p>Chores: Well, student housing doesn’t trust students to be clean, so you don’t need to worry too much about cleaning. Suite bathrooms get cleaned once a week, and I think standard dorm restrooms are cleaned daily. Things like taking out the trash or washing laundry, well, those you’ll be forced to do sooner or later.
You’ll get used to be independent soon enough, it’s part of growing up. If you’re in campus housing, everyone else’ll be learning too.</p>
<p>Psych major: No idea. I’m EECS and everything is curved, but humanities are different. Class size you can search on here: [Home</a> Page - Online Schedule Of Classes](<a href=“http://schedule.berkeley.edu/]Home”>http://schedule.berkeley.edu/)</p>
<p>Safety: After living on campus for a year, I’d say it’s pretty safe… never been robbed or murdered, at least. I’ve walked across campus in the middle of the night before, it’s pretty well lit. There are some areas near that are bad to walk around at night, though… I think most people say to avoid people’s park. If you’re really worried, you can always use BearWalk or the shuttles.</p>
<p>Semesters/Quarters: I’ve been on both systems, and I absolutely hated quarters. Of course, most of my classes were technical, which makes a big difference. In my experience, quarters meant having fewer classes at a time, more time spent in class, some skipped material, and more required classes (Calc 1-3 becomes Calc 1-4, etc). Overall not a good thing. It’s really a matter of preference, though. I like having more classes and a little more time, though I know some people think semesters are just too many weeks.</p>
<p>Internships/Research: No idea.</p>
<p>Walking Distance: You get 10 minutes between classes, if you schedule them back-to-back. Walking from Dwinelle to Cory takes about 10-12 minutes… some places like Li Ka Shing or Haas take longer to get to.</p>