I am a first year student at the University of South Florida. The university offers an IT major and a Computer Science major, both through the college of engineering. I am trying to decide which major I should go for considering the following:
1- I am interested in a variety of fields, including networks, security, and software development. A career in a any of those fields, or involving all three, is what I am aiming for.
2- The IT courses are delivered online, whereas Computer Science courses are delivered on campus.
3- CS flowchart : http://www.usf.edu/engineering/student-services/documents/flowchart-bscs.pdf
4- IT flowchart : http://www.usf.edu/engineering/student-services/documents/flowchart-bsit.pdf
5- I don’t fancy Calculus or Physics, but will take them if the benefits of majoring in CS outweighed those of IT
Note: Please don’t just say IT or Cs. Provide good reasons as to why one is superior to the other. Only that will give me clarity.