Italian places and programs

<p>My niece is planning a semester in Italy. She wants to look for a program in Florence. If it were me, I would look for something in Bologna because of less tourists, or in Rome, because it is such an exciting world capital. Does anyone have recommendations or opinions about either programs or cities which would provide a great experience in Italy?</p>

<p>St. Mary’s Indiana has a fabulous year long program in Rome. Don’t know if it is open to students from other schools though.</p>

<p>D just finished an intersession through Fairfield University in Florence and it was amazing. The school has apartments in this 300 year old building with a view of the Duomo Catherdral. They have an onsite coordinator. Florence is beautiful and one of the main art centers. It didn’t seem touristy to her, but vibrant and welcoming. From many people I have spoken with, including a cousin who now lives in Italy, Florence is one of the most beautiful cities.</p>

<p>John Cabot University has a great range of options - in the middle of Rome! Otherwise there’s always Bocconi that have great programs in Economics (Milano) or Istituto Maragoni (also Milano)! You might find more options on [</a> - Find your education](<a href=“”></p>

<p>Can you let me know about housing for John Cabot? I heard that it is best to get an apartment not connected to the school. Do you know anyone who had an apartment and went for a semester to John Cabot? or …Can you tell me about the housing John Cabot offers?</p>