<p>Hello everyone. I got accepted from one of the most prestigeous Economy uUniversity in Italy; Luigi Bocconi. But i also got accepted from a very common university in US (when i say common i mean below average, not even in the first 350 uni in US) which is called Florida Atlantic University. Now can you tell me: where is it easier to transfer to a top american grad school, if you grad in the best prestigeous italian uni or in a usuall uni in US. Can anyone answer to this question? You would make me a great favour.</p>
<p>i wud choose the one in italy...</p>
<p>But are you so sure that Bocconi is that good university? In the past, kids from my high school used to go there, but as UK opened to us (EU), they rather choose British universities and are no longer interested in Bocconi...</p>