<p>I'm a junior who loves Italian, both the language and the culture. I'm also interested in European and World history. Therefore, I'm thinking about "double majoring" in Italian Studies and History in college, but what career(s) will these two majors lead me to? Could I possibly take Italian/History and go to graduate school and study law? I heard that if someone majors in something like Italian, he or she can become a lawyer. What other jobs can I take with these concentrations? Any suggestions?</p>
<p>Also, I would like to know if there are any universities out there with good Italian programs (History, too, if possible). For example, is St John's University a good private university for those who are interested in Romantic languages? Any more likely candidates out there? </p>
<p>Here are my stats, so far, if you need them to determine which ones are in my league:</p>
<p>Old SAT: V-630
(I'm taking the New SATs by the way in March)
SAT II: Math IC - 740
Writing - 710
Chemistry - 700</p>
<p>PSAT: M-70
CR - 63
W - 65</p>
<p>11th grade courses:
AP Chemistry
AP Macroeconomics/AP US Government and Politics (it's one class, can you believe it?)
English 3 Honors
Italian 2
Computer Programming
Italian 3</p>
<p>10th grade:
English 2 Honors
Peer Counseling
Italian I
Beginning Weight Training
Chemistry I Honors
SAT Prep. (worth Honors credit)
Algebra II
American History Honors</p>
<p>(I don't think it's necessary to say what were my 9th grade courses)</p>
<p>Extracurricular activities:
-10th - present: volunteering at my local library
-summer before 10th to beginning of 10th grade: volunteered at a hospital in Miami
-10th - present: member of a leadership program called the Teen Advisory Board held at my local library where we organize activities for teens
-10th - present: memeber of Mu Alpha Theta, a math team where we tutor and enter competitions
-11th - Treasurer of SADD
-11th - member of NHS (where I tutor even more)</p>
<p>I have 415 recorded volunteer hours</p>
<p>I really don't have strict preferences when it comes to universities: I can adjust to any surroundings and learn in any environment, even when I'm in a classroom with 1,000 students, I can still feel comfortable.... I don't care where I learn, I just want it out of FLorida if possible, maybe out of the country! SO please, offer me some suggestions of fantastic schools that offer Italian (and history) as a major and if you can, find one that matches my personality and intelligience. Thank you!</p>