Items for Sale "Help"

<p>Okay, I am sure that many of us here will have items for sale by the end of the semester and since I don’t want to clutter up our forum like a garage sale… I am asking for help. Can any of our handy dandy computer savvy moms or dads create a Facebook page where we can list all items for sale and have photos. I know that we can not put a link on this forum’s page to Facebook but we can PM each other…word will get around fast :)</p>

<p>I know that we must all have some really useful items, some just like new. I was always looking for lightly used items but I never found a forum for resale at UA, so we purchased everything new. Perhaps some other parents/students can save some money and the rest of us won’t have to transport it all. Most OOS kids already share or get storage, so they can just add these items to their storage pile. A win win situation. I don’t know about y’all but some items we have did not even get used or we just have too many items. For instance, we probably have 3000 plastic cups left…haha</p>

<p>Anything could be sold from clothes to kitchenware to cleaning supplies to storage containers. Please make sure that all items are in good working order. If clothing is for sale, make sure it is cleaned or laundered. The same for bedding/comforters. </p>

<p>I would do this but I am not Facebook savvy </p>

<p>I am hopeful that someone can help.

<p>That is PERFECT! A UA Facebook of items for sale or in search of would be great. I’m not that savy either. </p>

<p>We have an area FB called “Free Stuff” that one of my friends set up. OH MY GOODNESS! We wear it out. Just yesterday I had 6 large bags of ladies clothes I put on there. Gone in a flash! Porch pickup so I don’t have to haul anywhere to donate. Doing something similiar for this would be perfect. I know we will sell D’s comforter set and the window treatment we made to go with it after Summer II this year.</p>

<p>I use Freecycle locally. So easy, put it on the porch. I was thinking of using this for son’s no longer used college stuff, but if I could dispose of it in Tuscaloosa and not haul it home, that would be awesome! Maybe we could use the Bama Parents Facebook group that’s already started to get it going? I’m not Facebook savvy, either, but since we have that group started already, we can maybe start something there and when a computer savvy person comes along, they can move it from there!</p>

<p>I know a lot of our stuff will just be given away, but people with more expensive things like bikes and shelves will probably be able to find someone to purchase their bargains!</p>

<p>MODERATOR’S NOTE: Please remember that links to Facebook, or names of Facebook pages, are not permitted on CC. Thanks!</p>

<p>if you google Tuscaloosa Garage Sale, an online group will pop up. You can take pics of your stuff and advertise there.</p>

<p>Moderator: Yes, thank you, we will not put a link to the name of the page on this forum.</p>

<p>The reason I suggested a Facebook page of our own for this venture was to have only parents and students post. Probably should be a closed page by invite, if that is what it is called. See I am not sure how this stuff works. Maybe, we could use the Bama Parents page, does anyone know??</p>

<p>If this doesn’t work out, I am going to create a list of items that we have available with photos and then you can PM me if you are interested but still hoping someone will help. :)</p>

<p>Maybe if you post this on the FB page someone there will create a new yard sale page for us. I like the idea of having it a closed group.</p>

<p>Oh, I like the closed group idea too. Okay, I will wait a day or two to see if anyone here can help and then post there.</p>

<p>Yes, closed group by invite only. That is how our local one my friend set up is. Works great!</p>

<p>Need a room fridge.</p>

<p>Can we all share a storage space this summer to store all the junk we buy from each other???</p>

<p>There’s a group on Facebook under UA groups called “free and for sale” It’s got like 1300 students subscribed to it…</p>

<p>TXArchitect: sent you a PM</p>