Ithaca blows

<p>ok, so i am a female freshman @ cornell - 3.7 gpa - psych major
hs gpa = 4.0
sat = 1980</p>

<p>tons of ec's and such, work, both in hs and @ cornell .... when i say a lot, i mean a lot and many hours
schools 2 transfer: pepperdine, rice, USC, duke, stanford, emory, umiami
I guess I am classifiable URM</p>

<p>I think you probably have an alright shot at a few of the schools listed, except Stanford. They’re going to accept like 2% or less of transfers. Give it a shot though. I’m not sure what you want by posting this.</p>

<p>No offense to you, but I’m a bit shocked you got into Cornell with those SATs. Your app must have been ah-mazing. I’d agree with Beef about Stanford (it’s probably a no), but the rest are well below Ivy standards. You’ll be in easily at all of them, especially considering your GPA is pretty high. In fact, I’m a bit shocked you want to transfer. Ithaca may very well “blow”, but it’ll be nice to have an Ivy on your resume come graduation time. This is a very, very confusing post.</p>

<p>looks like a weather issue imo…bad winter to be a freshman in NE if you’re not used to it…bad winter even if u are used to it!</p>

<p>Good for you. Glad to see you realize college isn’t just about how good of an education that you’re receiving. In at all with except stanford.</p>

<p>i think u have a great shot bc u said u have a lot of activities, and ur gpa is good</p>

<p>btw, why are u transfering. I am a hs senior considering cornell, also urm female. What makes u want to leave?</p>

<p>I’m with collegebound, I consider Cornell on the top end of my list and wonder what is driving you away.</p>

<p>I’ve heard a lot of rumors about Cornell: it’s depressing and supposedly has a high suicide rate.</p>

<p>because cornell is in bumble****, NY… and is cold as hell</p>

<p>pretty sure that is whats driving the OP out.</p>

<p>I’ve visited Ithaca, while the night life seemed so-so that’s not too big of a thing for me. The bitter cold would definitely blow ( no pun intended) but besides that I really dont see something that would seriously drive me away.</p>

<p>thank you all. I am sure you are confused given the rather quick post. As for my SAT’s, a 1980 certainly isn’t bad. I mean, it’s all relative. Given the “holistic” approach, SAT’s are only a small part of the application. Some have great SAT’s and grades, but they don’t have many EC’s or community involvement. My GPA was great, and i had won a national competition… I just didn’t fair as well in the math section. In terms of my decision, yeah Cornell just doesn’t do it for me. Sure it’s a wonderful institution in terms of the “name” that you will carry, but, is it worth it? Is it worth sacrificing your personal well being for something as superficial as a “name”. There are plenty of great non ivy schools out there. Further, my intended major is psychology; shouldn’t I care about my own happiness? You know what I mean? But yeah, you think I have a good shot at those schools? Yeah, Stanford is a huge reach.</p>

<p>Please tell this to the other 1,000 CC members who put a name in front of their own happiness.</p>