It's 1/15 but my application status is weird!!! =(

I may just be a little impatient here, but I submitted my application before the Nov 15 priority deadline and I'm supposed to get the decision today.
When I checked the app status page it still says that my app is being reviewed. Just wondering if any one else is in this situation? Should I call the madision admissions office and ask? </p>

<p>Oh and another thing.
When i click on "Check Details" it only says SAT/ACT: Received, Application Fee: Received. </p>

<p>I'm assuming they received my HS Transcript and all that because I don't see "HS Transcript: Not Received" or anything. The only two things i see are SAT/ACT and app fee. This is NORMAL right??</p>

<p>thanks in advance.</p>

<p>Yes. If I click on my status details for Wisconsin, the only thing it says is "HS Transcript-Recieved". Unless I'm mistaken, I believe things are only listed under the status details if they were initially missing when other parts of your application arrived at the school. As far as decisions, many colleges do not post them until a certain evening hour, typically around 5 or 6 PM eastern time. I wish you the best of luck!</p>

<p>I hope that you both get a big 'congratulations', but don't be disappointed if it doesn't happen today. The typical status scenario is this:</p>

<li> You have a message that states that UW checking your application for completeness.</li>
<li> You have a message that states that your application is being reviewed (but you can still click the status details button.)</li>
<li> The message that states that your application is being reviewed stays, but the status details button disappears.</li>
<li> A day or two later your admissions status appears.</li>

<p>So unless step 3 sometimes get skipped (and it might sometimes, but I have no insider knowledge of the process), you might not hear today. To keep youself calm, maybe just check the status once or twice a day.</p>

<p>Best of luck to both of you.</p>

<p>UW updated the admission info on Tuesday. Here is what is says on their website:</p>

<p>The First Notification Period for domestic freshman applications will end on January 15. Applications that were completed with all required materials by the First Notification Period deadline of November 15 will have decisions made on or by January 15.</p>

<p>Decision letters are mailed on the day after a decision is made, so some decision letters will arrive after the January 15 notification date.</p>

<p>Please also keep the following in mind:</p>

<p>Admission decisions will not be given over the telephone or via e-mail under any circumstance.
Students can continue to check the status of their admission decision online. For instructions on how to do so, please visit our Check Application Status Web site. It may take up to a week for the online service to reflect a decision once it has been made.
All students who complete their applications during the Second Notification Period (after November 15 but before the February 1 application deadline) will have decisions made on or by March 15, with decision letters being mailed immediately thereafter.</p>

<p>So, hang in there and be patient! :-)</p>

<p>so it means that they will make the decision by today but it wont say it in the status cause it takes time rite?</p>

<p>So do postponed students fall into the category for the 2nd notification period? (by March 15)</p>

<p>hanjh - I am not affiliated with the University - have a son who just found out today he was accepted so am only a day or so ahead of you. But, from what I can tell, that is correct. Assuming everything was in before 11/15, a decision will be made BY today and letters will be out by tomorrow. Online status could take up to a week to post, but from other posts and our personal experience, it has been taking less. Of course, they are swamped so there could be a bit of a backup. </p>

<p>summer - yes, that is how I read it. Postponed decisions will be made on or by March 15. </p>

<p>I suggest going on the Wisconsin admissions page and exploring around. There is a lot of information there - most of this is explained in better detail and by someone more "in the know" than I.</p>

<p>Best of luck to all!</p>

<p>Sorry I'm just a bit confused, do "postponed decisions" refer to applicatons submitted after 11/15 or is that more of a waitlist? When are you guarenteed to hear back by if you applied before 2/1? So far I'm seeing estimated times at about a month or so.</p>

<p>Postponed decisions apply to some students who applied by the early "first round" date of 11/15. Students from that decision period could be either accepted, denied, or postponed to the "second round." If postponed for the 11/15 decision period, a student will be reconsidered during in the next application period. Both postponed students from the first period and regular applicants from the second period will have decisions made on or before 3/15. There is no waitlist at the moment - that will only be after all regular decisions have been made. At least, that is my understanding of the process. </p>

<p>As far as how long decisions take, it really seems to vary. My son applied on 11/8 (all materials by then) and heard on 1/15 so it took over 2 months. Others heard earlier. </p>

<p>Hope this helps. Good luck.</p>

<p>I just noticed I sent my application through online on November 14th. The online status detail says that they have recieved my sat and recommendation on november 18th but it says they recieved my high school transcript on January 6th, do you think they still made the decision by 15th or do you think it will take longer for them to make decision?</p>

<p>I believe that your application needed to be complete by Novmber 15th in order to be guaranteed a decision by January 15. Keep in mind, though, that UW gives out decisions on a rolling basis, so it could be soon, even if you missed the cutoff. Just try to relax (I know that it is hard).</p>

<p>wow, so does that mean I am in regular decision? Do I have to send my midterm grade if i am in regular? If I do, I don't think i have any chance of getting into Wisconsin. haha I know Im overly stressed right now but I thought i just had to send my transcript and application before the deadline.</p>

<p>^hanjh, All the deadlines are "regular". The first one was not a priority; it is no different than the second one. It just means you get your answer a little bit sooner, and that's it.</p>

<p>And yes, by the looks of it, you would fall under the second notification period.</p>

<p>Good response Pathetique. Also travelfun, #7 post- check the UW website. All of the info is there.</p>

<p>I applied during the first week of December and just received my acceptance letter in the mail today, however my status online still hasn't been updated. I'd call the Admissions Office and they'll let you know if a decision has been made on your application. From that time, it takes about a week to receive a letter.</p>

<p>I've submitted my application ever since and all I see is 'please check back later as we are still reviewing your credentials'. I want to ask if it's ok to see that and when should I check back?</p>

<p>hey this is OP again. Just to let you all know --
i found out i got accepted when i logged into myUW on 1/18 but i still havnt received the actual letter yet</p>

<p>so yeah just check once every two days and you'll find out soon enough. they don't update the site that fast, but good luck to everyone else who's still waiting!!</p>