It's almost move in time!

<p>Just got back from moving my DD into Stanford (she is an RA and has training) and this is my 7th year moving kids into Stanford and the building is getting set for all of the new freshman! So exciting to see it every August. Just wanted to wish all the new freshman and transfers an easy move in and for the parents, take advantage of all of the great activities planned. It is a magical time at the U! Go to the lectures, enjoy the beautiful campus and drink lots of water to combat the heat! This year was the first year in 7 that it rained on move in day. So glad we had plastic tarps to cover the carts. Don't forget to pack some tarps or plastic sheeting. I have had them with me every year and this is the first time they came in handy! Also, pack command strips...different sizes, as they keep and you will use them year after year. In addition, the fire marshall installed 1 inch thick safety books on the back of every room door (under the peep hole) so you can't hang a full length mirror on the back of the door anymore. If you move the book, you will be assessed a huge fine.
So, make a plan for another spot (the wall next to the door fits a full length mirror fine.) </p>

<p>It's great to be a 'Cane! Have a super time! Study hard and jump into your great academic future! </p>

<p>Thanks for your post, @ummom2! I had seen that in past years there were move-in threads in this forum and wondered why there wasn’t one this year with updated tips and advice for first year students and their parents.</p>

<p>How big of a tarp or plastic sheeting is enough to cover a cart on move-in day?</p>

<p>4-5 ft square would be fine…the carts are big laundry carts on 4 wheels. I think I got mine years ago at Ace Hardware for $1/piece. They have been traveling in my move-in box ever since…other items in that box are command strips, two-sided carpet tape (we brought our own carpet from Walmart), drawer liner contact paper, 409 and glass cleaner, 3 prong extension cords/strips. Another item which we have acquired over the years are those plastic pvc covers for the clothing rod in the closet. They paint the rod in the closet every year and the hangers moving on the rod chip off the paint and the paint chips land on the clothing…It is a simple item we got in Home Depot years ago (in the shower rod section) It looks like a pvc pole with a cut down the long way. Not necessary, but my DD likes having it.
We always bring water bottles to keep in the fridge, soda/juice, etc. And snacks…it seems that the kids that have food in their rooms and keep their doors open make friends rather well…Sharing cookies, candy, chips is a good way to meet people. </p>