<p>I used to post on this forum quite frequently when I was a prospective college student trying to get into an engineering school. I went by a different username at the time, but have since lost the handle.</p>
<p>Anyway, fast forward about 9 years later, and I'm now a working engineer in the high-tech/semiconductor industry.</p>
<p>My story is unique in the sense that I majored in Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science as an undergrad and later switched to Electrical Engineering as a graduate student.</p>
<p>If anyone has any questions about the admission process, what engineering is like in undergrad/grad school, or even what industry work is like, feel free to ask away. You can even shoot me a PM.</p>
<p>I've been fortunate in my career and I attribute a lot of that success to those who helped me when I was first starting out. Like the gracious folks on these forums.</p>