It's Christmas morning!

<p>thanks NJbama- we checked, nad were able to get it working now.</p>

<p>Yup, they got it fixed just in time for kickoff! Now if only I could figure out how to work our internet ready 3D TV and get espn3 streaming on there instead of my 14" laptop. . . .</p>

<p>The game is on a local station. Just check around. It’s on our Fox affiliate.</p>

<p>Have any of you seen your children in the MDB shots?</p>

<p>I thought NJ was referring to the fact that Utah State was ahead of AU till they tied them in the third quarter.</p>

<p>Local cable fixed at end of 1st qtr. YEAH all clear. </p>

<p>Chills and cried during Carson/Ashley segment. </p>


<p>Wow. I just about fell over. D2 (HS Junior) is NOT a football fan. We’ve been being really low key about UA as she’s been on her college list making as we want her to figure out how awesome it is on her own. She’s actually sitting her watching the game with me as she’s doing homework. And she wrote on her sis’s wall “I’m wearing my Alabama shirt today. Roll Tide!” What!? :)</p>

<p>The enlightenment is beginning…</p>

<p>^^^^We really need a like button!!!</p>

<p>My youngest son (a HS sophomore) called me following his cross country invitational. We never discussed how the team did. His first question was, “What’s the score?” Since the game is not on here (rural Virginia, but Auburn is – yes, I’m very sad, NJBama), I just kept up with the ticker and gave him the score.</p>

<p>Successful first game! They ended up showing it on the local affiliate here as well. </p>

<p>D and her friends were on TV :slight_smile: I’m anxiously awaiting their pictures. D also was stoked to have caught a t-shirt. Roll Tide Roll!!!</p>

<p>Saw my D too!! What fun, Christmas allover again:)</p>

<p>My 9 year decided she is going to Bama too LOL! She loves houndstooth, and asked if she could do her whole room in it! Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>Fraternity guys were not wearing blazers today, they must have been given a reprieve. I expected to see a group in blue blazers, I calculated 1000, hard to see out of 100K but they were not there. It was all red & white.
Heard the cow college had a tough day, looking for the score now.</p>

<p>Today was white out…kids were told to wear white…Fraternities wore long sleeve white shirts and red ties (at least that was what DD’s boyfriend who is in a fraternity wore). You will see blue blazers the next home game as pledgeship doesn’t officially start until 9/6.</p>

<p>nicollec: Your 9 year old sounds so cute. I love houndstooth too FWIW. The game was so much fun to watch, even at home. RTR!!</p>

<p>How did you mange to see your D? Whenever they showed the band, I looked for my D’s friend. I think I saw him.</p>

<p>She moved over to the fraternity section 3rd quarter. I knew what she was wearing, and she has a short dark bob which isn’t all that common at UA…</p>

<p>I thought I saw her in the stands and started yelling. DH said I was nuts LOL! I paused it and made him take a picture of the screen and text to D, and sure enough, it was her!!!</p>

<p>I remember when my oldest son was in the MDB (sousaphone)…we LOVED watching for him. I also remember being in it my own self, but that was a few years back :)</p>

<p>Also, my sweet son and his wife gave me the best gift yesterday as a thank-you for helping them out with some stuff lately: a “Roll, Tuscaloosa, Roll” shirt!! Wearing it now!!</p>

<p>RTR indeed!</p>

<p>Was there a Bama commercial played today? If so, when was it played?</p>

<p>Game was on TV here in Winston-Salem area (non-cable). We were taking a country drive with younger son, but right before we left, we saw that Bama was ahead 14-0. Later I texted DS to find out whether he’d gone to the game. He had!! He said Kent State played even worse than anticipated. This is why I can never be a serious sports fan: I always feel sorry for the losers. Those poor kids, having to ride all the way back to Ohio with a huge loss hanging over their heads. :frowning: Oh well, at least they lost to the best. :)</p>

<p>LadyD, one must remember that universities like Kent State are getting lots of money for playing these games. UA paid Kent State $1.2 million to play in today’s game. When including the money Kent State payed to get out of its contract to play Purdue, Kent State made $775,000.</p>

<p>[It</a> pays to play the Crimson Tide at Bryant-Denny Stadium | Alabama Crimson Tide Zone](<a href=“]It”></p>

<p>The contract: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Yes, I know that sometimes it seems so one-sided, but… When I was at UT Austin (not Knoxville:-), our first game was always a blow-out against some small college. However, when I looked into it I learned that usually the revenue from that game carried the small school’s football program for the whole season. Good warm-up for the Longhorns, good financial decision for the small schools.</p>

<p>It’s fun to have another big-time football school to care about. I just cravenly hope for no more UT/UA games now that I’d have to pick a side!</p>

<p>Lady Dianeski: That nice check that Kent State took home? Well, money can ease the pain of the big defeat.</p>

<p>Sea_tide: I would assume that Georgia State is getting a big check for playing Bama again this year?</p>