<p>I have a feeling that if you do go to a CC and get a 3.5 or higher you will definitely get into MSU at least fall semester '11, if not POSSIBLY spring semester '11. If you want to get in spring semester of '11, I highly suggest taking summer courses at a CC and trying to transfer. </p>
<p>Best of luck to you, hope it works out one way or another :).</p>
<p>^^That would be completely wonderful, definitely. The only problem I can foresee is that I believe my local CC requires two years before transfer…I certainly hope not! Thank you so much for all your help!</p>
<p>Referencing study abroad, I didn’t know they were nationally recognized for their program!</p>
<p>As for income, I am not sure as to whether they will count my father’s income or not, so it’s hard to say (separated parents). My mother makes little more than minimum wage and we are WELL below the poverty level, however; hopefully that will get me some majorly need-based financial aid.</p>
<p>^ Do you live with your mom or dad? And are there step-parents? Assuming you live with your mom, and she makes below poverty, look into the Spartan Advantage Program. It covers the average cost of undergrad with very small loans. [Spartan</a> Advantage Program | Office of Financial Aid | Michigan State University](<a href=“http://finaid.msu.edu/spad.asp]Spartan”>Spartan Advantage | Michigan State University)</p>
<p>And yes, MSU study abroad program is repeatedly ranked number 1 in the country lol :).</p>
<p>And no CC REQUIRES that you be there for two years before transfer. You are not required to be enrolled any amount of time because they can’t tell you when you can and cannot leave. Make sense?</p>
<p>I live with my mother and my maternal grandmother full-time. I visit my father and stepmother on weekends. But yes, I live with my mom and we’re very broke, lol. Not unlike most of Michigan, of course, but yes, we’re very poor. That program looks wonderful; I had no idea they even had it! Is it applicable to transfer students?</p>
<p>That does make sense; I feel so misinformed, lol. The CC doesn’t look as promising as it did before; I was only planning on attending to be cost efficient, but lo and behold- because I don’t live in the boundaries of the city, my credit hours will cost almost $100 more each. I’m not sure how that compares to the universities I’ve been considering, but it can’t be that much cheaper. I might as well look more closely at universities now!</p>
<p>I know I just keep coming back with more questions; I really appreciate the help you’ve been giving me.</p>
<p>I don’t mind the questions at all. I didn’t have anyone helping me, so I turned to CC (I know what it’s like to have a LOT of questions too lol). </p>
<p>Then only your mom would be listed on your FAFSA. A lot of CCs will work if you graduated from a certain district- have you looked into that? Are you in Wayne County by chance because then you could look at WCCC or in Oakland County you could look at OCC. </p>
<p>I too am very low income (which is why I know about SPAD) and for me it actually turned out cheaper to come here than pretty much any where else in the state. And yes, SPAD does work for transfers (at least this year, but I would check that because of budget cuts). Perhaps you’ll get admitted this year though and that won’t matter lol :).</p>
<p>Haha, no kidding. When asking counselors these questions, they always just act like I’m wasting their time. I haven’t run into anyone like that here yet, so that’s pretty nice.</p>
<p>I hope only she will, because my dad makes too much money (though not a lot) and will mess everything up. No, I’m in Kent, unfortunately. I’m going to have to stick with Grand Rapids Community College because it’s the closest and most accessible.</p>
<p>Oh, I’m sorry =[ Being low-income sucks sometimes; I know people complain that the middle-class gets screwed over the most, but a lot of times the lower class can’t even get loans because there’s no one to cosign. Hopefully it will continue to work for transfers, then- because I don’t think I will be applying to MSU this year. I’m not doing very well senior year, unfortunately. Fingers crossed for fall 2011 though!</p>
<p>^ Good luck :). And yes, for FAFSA, you only have to fill out your custodial parent’s financial information (unless your parents are still married). Also remember that if your mom remarries, it will affect your EFC.</p>
<p>Excellent, thank you =] We attended our financial aid meeting diligently and found out we should be golden for grants and whatnot! I just have to keep an eye on what I’m making over the next year so that we can still qualify for the SPAD when I’m ready to transfer. I know that sounds like I’m cheating the system, but I really can’t imagine making enough money to put us over the poverty line. Like I said, we’rewell-below, haha…This might well be the only time when being poor is actually helpful.</p>