I don’t think the term “white flight” applies any longer, at least in my area. I have known many minority families who moved to distant suburbs for better schools and safer communities. Some older, more established Latino families are wary of the newer arrivals, who they feel bring problems to their neighborhoods. Discrimination is not a black/white issue. It’s complicated and driven by many factors.
Interesting thoughts you have on the subject. I have issue with the prominent professors and their anti white statements that are being made and they are still employed.
Have one single white professor say “Let the blacks die” and I promise you will see a protest and he will be fired immediately. If you are of another skin color you can say “let the whites die”, “Some whites will have to die”, “I hate whites”, or “I never call on my white students” and it is all perfectly okay with nary more than a slap on the hand.
There is a attack on anything that isn’t of color in the country and it is coming from the political left. I don’t see how anyone doesn’t see this as racism, but for some reason its not because now you can only be racist if you are white “they say”.
Let me refresh all of the people playing victim here Obama was elected not once but twice with a majority of the popular vote. I tire of this made up racism that is sporadic at best while affirmative action and hiring for diversity is alive and well. Who is getting the hook? Really?
It surely wasn’t me or my family!
^^^And this is the sentiment I see on alt-right, white nationalist boards. It’s recruitment propaganda based on feelings/assumptions and not fact…well maybe alternative fact.
MOD NOTE: Well, this thread has gotten way off track and has long since not been related to the college process, so I’m going to close it.