<p>I want to take CHEM 14BL , CHEM 14C and LS II SECTION I with SCHEIN.</p>
<p>I have a priority pass and senior standing but I hear these classes are really popular. Which two should I choose priority and which should I leave for 2nd pass based on your previous experiences.....
<p>Lab definitely during priority. Then LSII. LSII and chem14c shouldn't be that much of a problem to get since you get to enroll prior to all the freshmen and transfer students for fall quarter, and the senior class is gone so really you're only worried about students from 2 years during fall quarter rather than the typical 4 yrs during the other 2 quarters.</p>
<p>I've actually heard good about schein in that he gives noncumulative (which is a huge bonus for ls2, which you'll especially be thankful for during the finals considering the wide range of materials covered), entirely m/c exams (another bonus since TAs are to look for use of specific vocab words usually when grading free responses), with some dead giveaway questions that mocks creationists</p>
<p>i actually had schein for LS2 and he seriously cannot write exams for the life of him... true there were some easy questions but then there were a number of others that pretty much made my head hurt b/c they were sooooo unclear of what he was asking for... oh and btw, when he says he doesn't test your memory - he's lying... he does. you really do need to know every detail... </p>
<p>PS -- I'm not an angry student that failed, I actually did decently well in the class... I just really didn't care for his teaching style OR the way he wrote exams. I mean, I really have had many professors that are MUCH better than him. </p>
<p>OH!!! and watch out for those SHORT SHORTS ---- SCARINESS!!!</p>
<p>shirleyxY, I'm not sure if you meant to say "I can't believe even a guy is freaked by his legs?" but, if you did... sorry, I'm actually female! </p>
<p>And that was really just too much old professor leg for me...</p>
<p>yes, I agree, even though I did fine in LS2 with schein. Stay away from this guy! When I went to his office hours, he berated me about how I wasn't using school resources. He was like WHY AREN'T YOU USING THE SCHOOL's RESOURCES? :eek:</p>
<p>Very weird professor. His exams are also kinda tricky.</p>
- linguistics 1 (GE)
- math 31a/b (depending on AP scores)
- chem 20a
- chinese 1/2/3(a) (whatever i get placed in)</p>
<p>a friend at UCLA tells me that math 31a/b covers much of the same things as AP calc, and parts of chem 20a is just review of high school chem. i'd guess that linguistics is easy (the description makes it sound that way), and i'm interested in linguistics anyway so that makes it better.</p>