It's starting....

<p>....the dread of unfortunate news and the dread of her leaving. Sometimes I have to wonder what on earth I was *think*ing!</p>

<p>There is a whole different kind of angst when you have one applicant and one prep. S really wanting D to be admitted and attend his school but not wanting to influence her.
D hoping that she does as well in admissions as S did. My trying to imagine just how different it will be for S2 without any siblings at home on a full time basis.</p>

<p>I do have one thing figured out. My neighbor (who will also be down to just one child at home next year)and I will each pick a day of the week to cook and our families will have dinner together - just so we can cook normal portions and not have left-overs for a week. :)</p>

<p>Just starting for you, Neato? I have already had several sleepless nights (which really helps my outlook – NOT). Do I want to be an empty-nester or not? Will child A envy child B (or vice versa)? Will I be tempted to move closer to kids? Will increasing airfares be our undoing? Will we have to do this whole darn thing again next year? NEVER have I felt SO torn!!! If I have learned anything over these years though, it’s to TRY to stay in this day and NOT imagine that day when I walk into a childless home or face a string of childless weekends. On the other hand though, the idea of never again having to navigate the pathological local sports scene IS appealing!!!</p>

<p>The empty nest is not as bad as you think it will be. You’ll be fine either way the dice rolls.</p>

<p>@Neato: From our experience with D1 and S away and D2 at home this year, D2 has become lady of the manor and takes about three times as much energy as she did last year. Not sure if that happens to boys, but forewarned is forearmed… ;)</p>

<p>You guys summed up exactly what I am feeling. S is a prep and we are waiting for D news on admissions. We have 2 more at home- so no empty nest. However the reality of having our S gone this year makes the thought of our D gone more real. Can’t wait for Spring break to start. S will be home when D gets the news. Moving closer to the kids school has certainly crossed our minds many times. Gonna be a long week. Luckliy our S will be home so time will fly.</p>