Its that time of the year

Its apparently that post decision time where AA threads spread like wildfire all of which are going nowhere. Shouldnt the admins lock them there just a waste of space. anyone agree

<p>what about transfer students who haven't heard yet?</p>

<p>as long as they are kept at a scholarly level I don't have a problem with them. Also -- I think you can be anti-affirmative action and not be bitter about the college admissions process. I got into my #1 choice (Vanderbilt), but anytime I suggest affirmative action is reverse discrimination, people assume that I got rejected somewhere....</p>

<p>but its hard to believe people when they say there 1st choice. Actual or realistic first choice. Hence why that doesnt really hold. Ive never seen an AA thread instigated by a student from a top 10 school</p>

<p>I agree.</p>

<p>Too many people that are either ignorant, racist or bitter seem to chime in and put their useless two cents in.</p>

<p>"but its hard to believe people when they say there 1st choice"</p>

<p>I'm not sure what you mean by this. Personally, i was 11 for 11 in college acceptances with one of my schools (Columbia) being in the top 10. According to your argument, if I enrolled at Columbia I would magically start believing Affirmative Action is justified.</p>

<p>Am I missing something?</p>