ITT: A prospective Marlboro student asks for opinions of current students

<p>I've fell in love with only two schools during my year long college search and those have been Reed and Marlboro. I know all about both school's curriculum, their reputation for excellent students and a great environment for people who love to learn and grow, but what I wish to learn more about is how student's feel about these colleges, and in this thread specifically, Marlboro. I know it's a small school with around 300 students so I'm not sure how many posts I will get for this thread, but any advice or stories would be so helpfull! Thank you</p>

<p>-Emily (aka Righteous Babe)</p>

<p>I would also like to know more about the Mrlboro students' lives. do they really enjoy it there? i am also in love with Marlboro and want so much to go there, but i am still waiting for the aid package. it all depends on it.
and what i really like about the college is its smallnes, but do you, current students, also like it?</p>

<p>Well, I guess you may already be at Marlboro. All I can say is that it is a remarkably intense and demanding place worth every penny. It's like having a personal trainer in academics. Imagine how much more your intellectual muscles will grow with private training in an atmosphere where everyone must design and implement their final studies. I'm a college professor now at an elite small college and only a few of the students at this school will even come close to the scrutiny that I experienced at Marlboro.</p>