ITT You Explain your USERNAME

<p>Diminish Ignorant Minded Intellectuals That Rant on Internet (that's the acronym for Dimitri)
and then Make Atrocious Replies That Invalidate Noobs (acronym once again)
or... it could just be a funny comedian's name spelled wrong</p>

<p>its my email address, im a big fan of the cubs and the 716 refers to my bday so I just use it everywhere</p>

<p>the name is bec... called bee and its like me... hence beeish... just realised I turned my name into an adjective and now I am going to hide in shame with my nerdiness</p>

<p>I'm the one and only invoyable next to Zeus.</p>

<p>want to go to a ivy league.. hope i get in</p>

<p>i thought you were bound by in a fairytail. that would be cute</p>

<p>When I was like eight, I joined this kids chat room, and my mom chose "WishWash" to be my screename so that no one would know if I was a boy or a girl.
I got used to it and it stuck with me. And i've used it for almost everything since.</p>

<p>sushi = nickname..., I actually don't like sushi very much
I don't really have any reasoning for the rest of my username...</p>

<p>when i joined, the clock was ticking to get my act together, and i used it everywhere now.</p>

<p>I enjoy luge and speed skiing, hence...</p>

<p>....I didnt' know what to pick and I thought hey, I'm happy, I like to smile and laugh and smile was easier for me to type than laugh so I picked Smile and hit some numbers on the keyboard. woohoo it's pretty random.</p>

<p>I've always wanted to start a clothing line, so I thought the seasons sounded pretty cool, and I've just made it my username</p>

<p>i enjoy upper garments especially in public. no so much for pants though, mostly naked down at home.</p>

<p>actually it's a nickname from 7th when I wore a blue shirt every day. But when I first registered my account in another place, where I tried kidwithblueshirt, it was too long. So the current version came into existence.</p>

<p>i just tried it didnt work.</p>

<p>stop baiting me, i already wasted 3 out of 5 attempts.</p>

<p>you are just trying to lock out trolls from the board.</p>

<p>I dont think it works.</p>

<p>itt you rage you ruse?</p>

<p>newfags lol</p>

<p>lol how come your post count doesnt go up?</p>

<p>It is my legal first name</p>

<p>kill it with fire.</p>

<p>I'm glad you followed number 1....</p>