IU Kelley or the University of Alabama

I am struggling to make a choice on my college education. I’m down to IU and Bama, and I want to study business. I am from Illinois so I’m OOS.

Kelley DA
13k annually in scholarships
Hutton Honors admittance
Will be around 23k in tuition to attend

Honors College admittance (need 30 act for admission, same as Kelley)
19k annually in scholarships
Will be around 9.5k in tuition per year

Is Kelley worth the 13.5k more in tuition per year considering the honors college program at Alabama? I am worried about taking on the extra 54k in costs for tuition at Indiana.

Something that comforts me with IU Kelley is that the Career Services Center is very good about putting you in a position to obtain internships and job interviews. How is Alabama’s Culverhouse Career Center?

I can see myself at both colleges respectively, so there isn’t a gut feeling that I’m having. I love the opportunities that Kelley has to offer but are they really worth the extra money when I am confident I will work hard and be involved at both schools? Also doesn’t Alabama have good programs for Business students? Please comment back your thoughts, I’m really stuck on this decision!

Sounds like the total cost to attend IU will be about $38k per year to attend. How will those costs be covered?

How much would you have to borrow each year to attend

How much of that $38k per year will your parents pay for?

Have you visited Bama?

Culverhouse is very good. Let me see what I can find about internships

Kelley is a great school, obviously. Culverhouse is a good school, too, although not as well known in other regions. It’s especially strong in accounting and MIS, and its finance majors seem to do well too.

There are lots of opportunities for ambitious business students to do well at Bama. If going to Kelley means taking on a lot of debt, I would think Culverhouse is the easy choice.

Here’s a link to their Career Services page if you haven’t visited there already: https://culverhouse.ua.edu/career

We are well off financially, but knowing I want to pursue an MBA I would like to keep some funds for that. I have visited both campuses multiple times and I believe that no matter what school I choose I will love it and have a great time. I just want to know if the extra money going toward Kelley is worth the prestige that it has as a nationally known business school as opposed to Bama, which has a lesser known program that doesn’t necessarily rank where Kelley does.

It sounds like you are looking for gut reactions. Mine - if you can go to Indiana and get your MBA without loans, do it. Otherwise, go to Alabama.

@OOSguy, I don’t think anybody can answer that question for you. Too many variables. But I would also figure out if it’s better to have an MBA from a different school than undergrad as it is in some fields. I don’t know the answer to that, but a BS from Bama and an MBA from Kelley wouldn’t be a bad thing.

UA for undergrad and then get your M.B.A from Wharton ! Roll Tide Roll