IU Kelley Petition Tracker 2022

My son just applied to Kelly (1/30). Awaiting portal details. His stats are:

SAT: 1550; Math2 & Chem: 800; Bio: 770
GPA: 3.85; 4.48(W)
11 APs till junior year; 6 more for senior year

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What date did you send your application in?
And congrats!

Thanks! I applied to IU on 10/27 and I submitted my petition on 12/5.

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Have you heard yet on the petition?

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Just applying now with a weighted 3.88 gpa but ACT is 28. Should I change to test optional since Iā€™m petitioning. My ACT was 34E 31R 25S 23Mā€¦.will they just look at the 28?

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Hi, I am curious to know what your math was on your ACT. I am on the fence to submit a 28 ACT and I have a similar ACT

Any recent update on petition? Generally how long does it take to hear back? My son applied around 24th January and completed his petition 2 weeks back.

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Very disappointing. Kelley rejected our son through petition. SAT was 1510 on 1600 scale ( scored in the top 1% of test takers). 780 out of 800 in Math and 730 of 800 in English.
Unweighted gpa= 4.0, weighted 4.25.
NHS. Honors with distinction
Starting QB of 5A football team.
Feeling scammed by Kelley.
Paying full tuition out of state!, no merit available

Iā€™m doing standard admission.

Why wasnā€™t your son an auto-admit to Kelley? I thought it was a 3.8 and 1360 or 1370 SAT threshold.

Your sonā€™s stats are significantly higher than 90% of the students here. Many of these kids get in with ACT scores in the low 30s, but they donā€™t work hard and itā€™s obvious they got in because they met the bare minimum for the DA reqs. Do standard admission if Kelley is seriously a top choice, but I think he is better off at a school that recognized his talent and worth from the beginning. Iā€™m a Kelley student btw, and I personally think only people from Kelley overhype the school. No one where Iā€™m from knows what IU or Kelley even is.

Did you apply past the deadline? The only reason i can think of is either it is past the deadline or they are over enrolled.

Thanks all. We are very disappointed and asked Kelley to share why his petition did not meet the criteria? Our sons loves IU and has direct admissions and honors college acceptance at Michigan State, WVU, Duquesne and others but he loves Kelley and IUā€™s campus and curricula . We think it just adds undue pressure on him and we are confused why he was rejected. Kelleyā€™s only response was that they see his application has merit but it was received during the last week before the deadline. Again, he is our first son in college and we did not know about early acceptance or how to petition after he was accepted to IU. We are paying full OOS tuition and hope that IU is everything he envisions.
In standard admission, they want him to take finite math and others that are pre-requisites for calculus but he has dual enrollment calculus ( high school calculus dual enrolled in LaRoche college) and has an A in the class. Why does he have to go backward just to spend more credit money? This seems crazy

So did we :slightly_smiling_face:

Sorry to hear that. Sounds like a smart young man and he should have no trouble going through standard admission to kelley.

There are posts on this forum about the math dept at IU and how some of the students take finite math elsewhere and transfer. Do look at those posts if you are worried.

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Does that message mean youā€™re not admitted or that you still have a chance and they havenā€™t made a decision yet?

Hi - I am in your exact shoes for 2023. I am debating my petition essay topic - something business related or softer/people skills. Just wondering if you would mind sharing what your essay topic was about? Thanks!

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