IU Kelley Petition Tracker 2023

Has anyone heard from Kelley who has petitioned ?

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Petition sent on 10/05. Still waiting.

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Nothing yet. My daughter submitted her petition on 9/30.

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She has a GPA of 3.96/4 and weighted GPA of 5.22/6.0 . ACT of 34 . Will she be qualified for Direct Admit. Thanks for the response?

Yes your D qualifies for direct admit (provided she applied to a Kelley major), so does not have to fill out the appeal/petition.

I have a 3.88 unweighted GPA and a 1550 SAT score, so I do meet the requirements for DA. I received my IU admission on November 3rd but have not received anything from Kelley directly. Given that folks have been typically hearing back after 2-3 weeks, I am wondering if I should submit a petition in the next week or so. Thoughts?

Should be fine and you should hear soon. Usually thinks slow down a bit after Nov 1 as they receive a larger volume of applications. If after 4 weeks you do not still hear back, you can call kelley and ask.

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You clearly meet the DA requirements and hence don’t need to petition. I would advise you to wait for a couple of weeks for the DA email to come.

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hey guys im a little anxious about getting into kelley. i have a 3.78/4.69 GPA, 33ACT, lots of good extracurriculars like research. i sent my DA review on 10/26, got accepted into IU at 11/2 and still haven’t heard back. When i check atlas it says my major is “Finance BSB” but im just a little confused about this all. I would really appreciate some help
thank u all

Check your email. you likely got in. Usually it says pre-business if you are not a direct admit.

I checked everywhere but I just haven’t gotten the email

has anyone else who submitted a DA Review gotten any responses yet?

review came this morning for DA

My D23 just got an email this morning that she was accepted into Kelley via petition! She is OVER THE MOON…we all are! Stats: 3.9 W GPA, Test optional.

Can I ask how many APs did they take? Thanks! And Congrats!!

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My D23 weighted GPA is 4.48. I think this is the GPA Kelley uses for admission.
but her SAT is 1240, much below their cut off 1360.
she submitted the petition couple weeks ago.
right now she submitted to consider test scores.
would there be any advantage to change it to go only test optional ?
Or would they automatically give higher preference to her GPA even though SAT score is low.

She took four APs and several honors classes. She also took a heavy business curriculum throughout her four years including a class Junior year called Business Incubator where she and her group conceptualized, launched, and pitched a business to investors. I have no idea whether that helped her, but she did write about it on her Common App. Her 250 word petition was not business related but focused on a very meaningful volunteer activity.

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My daughter was just admitted to Kelley by petition this morning. She has a weighted GPA of 4.5, 5 AP and 5 ACP (IU dual credit classes), test optional.


when was she admitted into IU ?