IU Scholars Reception

<p>I don't know if there are many others from the Indy area on this board, but I got an invitation to the IU Scholars Reception in the mail. It claims to be "an event honoring the academic achievements of scholarship recipients from the Indianapolis area," but I don't really know what that entails. Does anyone have any experience with this? Is it worth the trouble to go?</p>

<p>mmm…interesting…can OOSers get one too?</p>

<p>I don’t think so. The invitation specifies “Indianapolis area,” so I don’t think that even all of Indiana is invited.</p>

<p>I’m going to take a wild guess here, but this is probably an event put on by the local alumni assc. chapter. Many of the local chapters do this kind of thing for scholarship recipients and/or future students–depends on what is needed I suspect. I know our local chapter has a picnic or something like that in May for all of the HS Seniors that will attend IU. </p>

<p>Jared–This link shows you a few of the chapters in the PA area. Some chapters have scholarships for students attending IU. </p>

<p>[Indiana</a> University Alumni Association: Chapters &amp Groups - Northeastern United States Region](<a href=“http://alumni.indiana.edu/groups/chapters/us/northeast.shtml]Indiana”>http://alumni.indiana.edu/groups/chapters/us/northeast.shtml)</p>