IUPUI gets split between purdue and IU
Thanks for sharing the article. I wonder if there are going to be cross-registration opportunities. For instance, will Purdue-Indianapolis be creating a whole set of humanities and social science courses for any distribution requirements at that campus, when IU is literally right there with that as some of its major strengths?
From what i understand they are taking over departments based on their strengths. Engg/CS merges with purdue and the rest(mostly health and other sciences) merges with IU.
They split the IPFW campus in Fort Wayne a few years ago.
I understand the departmental split. But are CS and engineering majors at Purdue not required to have any distribution requirements anymore? And looking at both the main campus of Purdue and Purdue-Fort Wayne, they’re still offering majors in anthropology, English, history, etc. All the departments that probably are going to IU. So are they going to duplicate those departments for Purdue?
When higher ed is talking about a potential student enrollment cliff in a few years, it makes little sense to me to create additional admin & bureaucracy and duplicating two publicly funded departments. If there’s a branding issue because of the mixing of two names, name it something completely different. Indianapolis State University, Fort Wayne State University, etc. Or University of Indiana at Indianapolis, U. of Indiana at Fort Wayne, and so on. But creating an IU-Indianapolis and a Purdue-Indianapolis just seems like a total waste to me.
Here’s a bit more detail: Indiana University, Purdue to split IUPUI into 2 separate schools
So what will happen if you were accepted into IUPUI’s Mechanical Engineering to start Fall 2023? Will they be getting a Purdue degree or IU degree?
According to the article, a Purdue degree.
IUPUI never granted degrees in its own name. It was always IU or Purdue degrees.
Purdue, as it was before.
The following academic programs grant Purdue University degrees.