I've always dreamed of Dartmouth, will I get in?

<p>ive always dreamed of going to dartmouth, and if you could chance me that'd be great. I plan on majoring in either intl. business, economics or finance.</p>

<p>State: North Carolina
School Type: Public, rarely sends grads to ivies (1 person in school history, and 1 went to MIT)
Class Year: 2009
Ethnicity: White Female</p>

<p>GPA UW: 4.0 W 5.2 (6 points for AP class 5 points for an honors class)
SAT: 750 M 710 CR 750 W = 2210
SAT II: World 750 MathIIC 760
AP's : taken soph year World (4), Psych (5), Human (4)
Currently taking 6 others, will have 16 by senior year.
Class Rank: 4/657</p>

Debate Club (9-12)
-co-established my schools NFL Charter
-have attended several national tournaments such as Harvard, Emory, UF
-Labeled "Distinction" by the National Forensics league
-advanced to varsity states in 10th and 11th in student congress
-couldn't become an officer due to scheduling conflicts, and if you aren't in the class, you can't become an officer.</p>

<p>Mu Alpha Theta (9-12)
-State Vice President 12th Grade
-10th grade treasurer, 11th grade VP, 12th grade president
-Attended 3 regional and 1 state tournament every year
-tutor students in the middle school and high school in math
-helped create several fundraisers for the club, including one that made over 1000 dollars</p>

<p>Class of 2009 (10-12)
-President of my class in 10th grade, 11th grade, and VP in 12th
-Help fundraise for our senior prom.
-Have held several fundraisers, and have raised over 10,000 dollars.</p>

<p>Student Advisory Council (For my School) (10-12)
-Along with the rest of the council, discussed problems with the school and tried to fix them.
-set up several fundraisers to help raise money for the school</p>

<p>Student Advisory Council (For my City) (10-12)
-Helped fix problems with my city, which included over 7,000 people
-attended a leadership conference through the council</p>

<p>Student Government (10-12)
-Treasurer in 11th, President in 12th
-Set up my schools homecoming every year
-Attended several leadership conferences through SGA
-Attended state convention every year</p>

<p>Key Club (10-12)
-Vice President in 12th (10-12)
-150+ service hours cumulated, plan to do more next year also.
-Attended national convention every year</p>

<p>Varsity Soccer (10-12)
-Captain in 12th grade
-Our team went to several tournaments and advanced to finals or semis in at least 4.
-Advanced to states in 10th grade</p>

<p>Varsity Tennis (10-12)
-3rd singles in 11th grade, plan on being 2nd next year.
-our team isn't very good, so there aren't many accomplishments, however it is still a huge time commitment.
-Played in regionals every year.</p>

<p>USY (9-12)
-Jewish Youth Group, extremely active in this
-Vice President Israel Affairs 12th grade
-Attended several leadership conventions, and national convention every year.
-Volunteered A LOT between Purim carnivals, teaching Judaism to the younger kids etc.</p>

<p>Community Service
-Attended Youth Leadership Camp every year for 4 years, total of about 120 hours.
-Tutored kids and other service projects for NHS (50 hours)
-Tutored kids for Mu Alpha Theta (30 hours)
-Tutored kids in Spanish for Spanish NHS (20 hours)
-Several service projects through Key Club and SGA (150+ hours)</p>

<p>Awards and Honors
-Spanish National Honor Society
-National Honor Society
-Several regional level debate, and Mu alpha theta awards
-advanced to super congress at a national debate tournament (Harvard)
-National Merit Semi Finalist
-AP Scholar (hopefully with distinction after this year)</p>

-Summer of 9th grade, attended summer@brown financial mini-course
-Summer of 10th grade, attended UCLA summer session, took Pre Calc
-Summer of 11th (this summer), this is hard to believe, but i have amazing connections, and my uncle is a family known house name..I'm getting an internship on Wall Street for 8 Weeks, paid.</p>

<p>note: many may perceive my EC's as a scattered laundry list, but in reality they are all either Math or leadership related.</p>

<p>I think you've got a shot.</p>

<p>How large is your HS class?</p>

<p>BTW, there is no Finance major at Dartmouth. Nor is there an international business major.</p>

<p>my high school is extremely large. close to 2500. and anything they offer in the econ field would be okay with me. from the second i read about dartmouth, i pretty much fell in love with it.</p>

<p>I asked how large your HS is because, if it totalled, say, 200, being President of your class, Treasurer of the Student Gov't, etc., would be much less impressive!!</p>

<p>I really do think you have a good shot. Just remember there are no guarantees, and good luck!!</p>

<p>haha yeah. thanks.</p>


<p>though your ecs are impressive
however quality "less" is better than overkill "more"
they want to see leadership in a few categories</p>

<p>never qualify anything (tennis) if its not top notch
leave it out..you have too many good things </p>

<p>remember you dont want to put the admission officer
to sleep with resumes and essays</p>

<p>isacc, the thing is, i actually am passionate about all the activities that I do. and they wouldn't rather see leadership in few. they would like to see the most leadership in activities you're passionate about, which I am.</p>

<p>like i said in the thread, they all pertain to leadership or math. (besides for the sports)</p>

<p>I think you have a very solid shot, a boost on the SAT would help. Given your SATII I think you prob could raise the math score. I would also try ED. Dartmouth is likely to get tons of RD apps next year because of the new financial aid policy.</p>

<p>thanks slipper. the thing is, i can't apply ED because i need financial aidm im from a low-middle class family.</p>

<p>isnt it true that once accepted ED, regardless of the FA plan, u must attend?</p>

<p>Yeah that's true but Dartmouth gives out fantastic financial aid. I've rarely seen D be stingy. Also you can try and see how much you would likely get before you apply. I would call the fin aid office.</p>

<p>any other opinions?</p>

isnt it true that once accepted ED, regardless of the FA plan, u must attend?


<p>No, actually, I'm pretty sure that the only reason you are allowed to get out of ED when you are accepted is if you have financial issues. The reason that Princeton and Harvard got rid of ED is because the students didn't understand that.</p>


All accepted Early Decision candidates who demonstrate financial need are assured of receiving assistance in the full amount of that need from the College.


Early</a> Decision</p>

<p>i would say you have a good shot but who knows, I'd apply ED just to be safe...i'm from a low income family and that deterred me from applying ED to dartmouth but now with their tuition initiative you should have nothing to worry about in the financial department</p>

<p>First, welcome to the 'I dream about Dartmouth' Club. (I am an alumni)</p>

<p>Second, pretty good shot if you apply ED. But a few tips :</p>

many may perceive my EC's as a scattered laundry list, but in reality they are all either Math or leadership related.


<p>Those 'many' are correct. Its NOT a laundry list but looks like one.</p>

<p>-have attended several national tournaments such as Harvard, Emory, UF <-- Just attended or participated? Until and unless you won an award its just going to clog your EC and shadow other better achievement of yours.</p>

<p>-couldn't become an officer due to scheduling conflicts, and if you aren't in the class, you can't become an officer. <-- They don't want to read why you couldn't become something.</p>

<p>-helped create several fundraisers for the club, including one that made over 1000 dollars
-Help fundraise for our senior prom.
-Have held several fundraisers, and have raised over 10,000 dollars.
<-- That is just taking up space on resume. You were the President and that matters.
-Played in regionals every year. <-- Did you win anything?</p>

<p>The point is just keep your resume terse for a perfect impact. Other things just divert the focus from the other brilliant award of yours.</p>

<p>Good Luck!!! :)
PS: I hope you do get in but start dreaming about another college too just in case.</p>

First, welcome to the 'I dream about Dartmouth' Club. (I am an alumni)


<p>That is one club that you can't ever graduate from :) </p>

PS: I hope you do get in but start dreaming about another college too just in case.


<p>That is sound advice.</p>

have attended several national tournaments such as Harvard, Emory, UF <-- Just attended or participated?


I've participated and made it to super congress, which is kind of like making it to finals. i don't know if adcoms would find this impressive or not, so i dont know if im gonna include it.</p>

They don't want to read why you couldn't become something.


I was just making a point becuase it was the activity that I was the most involved in, but i couldn't be an officer due to the fact that i stated above. i wasn't actually going to include it in my resume. i was just saying it becuase most people on CC would be like "if your not an officer your obvously not passionate about it". lol.</p>

<p>anywho. thanks for taking the time for your input ajayc, and thanks for the welcome to the club. haha.</p>

<p>one more question for anyone willing to answer.</p>

<p>there is another kid in my grade applying to dartmouth. hes valedictorian, but isn't as involved in the school and ec's as i am. i have no idea about his SAT's. if we both apply ED, will he have the better chance of getting in?</p>

there is another kid in my grade applying to dartmouth. hes valedictorian, but isn't as involved in the school and ec's as i am. i have no idea about his SAT's. if we both apply ED, will he have the better chance of getting in?


<p>No. I believe SATs count more than rank does, and ECs also play a big role.</p>

<p>thanks. it just worried me seeing on dartmouth's website that like 27% (if i stand corrected) of their admits were valedictorians, and 10% were salutatorians. neither of which i am.</p>

<p>sorry for this, but I"m going to bump this one more time for any more opinions.</p>