<p>ive always dreamed of going to dartmouth, and if you could chance me that'd be great. I plan on majoring in either intl. business, economics or finance.</p>
<p>State: North Carolina
School Type: Public, rarely sends grads to ivies (1 person in school history, and 1 went to MIT)
Class Year: 2009
Ethnicity: White Female</p>
<p>GPA UW: 4.0 W 5.2 (6 points for AP class 5 points for an honors class)
SAT: 750 M 710 CR 750 W = 2210
SAT II: World 750 MathIIC 760
AP's : taken soph year World (4), Psych (5), Human (4)
Currently taking 6 others, will have 16 by senior year.
Class Rank: 4/657</p>
Debate Club (9-12)
-co-established my schools NFL Charter
-have attended several national tournaments such as Harvard, Emory, UF
-Labeled "Distinction" by the National Forensics league
-advanced to varsity states in 10th and 11th in student congress
-couldn't become an officer due to scheduling conflicts, and if you aren't in the class, you can't become an officer.</p>
<p>Mu Alpha Theta (9-12)
-State Vice President 12th Grade
-10th grade treasurer, 11th grade VP, 12th grade president
-Attended 3 regional and 1 state tournament every year
-tutor students in the middle school and high school in math
-helped create several fundraisers for the club, including one that made over 1000 dollars</p>
<p>Class of 2009 (10-12)
-President of my class in 10th grade, 11th grade, and VP in 12th
-Help fundraise for our senior prom.
-Have held several fundraisers, and have raised over 10,000 dollars.</p>
<p>Student Advisory Council (For my School) (10-12)
-Along with the rest of the council, discussed problems with the school and tried to fix them.
-set up several fundraisers to help raise money for the school</p>
<p>Student Advisory Council (For my City) (10-12)
-Helped fix problems with my city, which included over 7,000 people
-attended a leadership conference through the council</p>
<p>Student Government (10-12)
-Treasurer in 11th, President in 12th
-Set up my schools homecoming every year
-Attended several leadership conferences through SGA
-Attended state convention every year</p>
<p>Key Club (10-12)
-Vice President in 12th (10-12)
-150+ service hours cumulated, plan to do more next year also.
-Attended national convention every year</p>
<p>Varsity Soccer (10-12)
-Captain in 12th grade
-Our team went to several tournaments and advanced to finals or semis in at least 4.
-Advanced to states in 10th grade</p>
<p>Varsity Tennis (10-12)
-3rd singles in 11th grade, plan on being 2nd next year.
-our team isn't very good, so there aren't many accomplishments, however it is still a huge time commitment.
-Played in regionals every year.</p>
<p>USY (9-12)
-Jewish Youth Group, extremely active in this
-Vice President Israel Affairs 12th grade
-Attended several leadership conventions, and national convention every year.
-Volunteered A LOT between Purim carnivals, teaching Judaism to the younger kids etc.</p>
<p>Community Service
-Attended Youth Leadership Camp every year for 4 years, total of about 120 hours.
-Tutored kids and other service projects for NHS (50 hours)
-Tutored kids for Mu Alpha Theta (30 hours)
-Tutored kids in Spanish for Spanish NHS (20 hours)
-Several service projects through Key Club and SGA (150+ hours)</p>
<p>Awards and Honors
-Spanish National Honor Society
-National Honor Society
-Several regional level debate, and Mu alpha theta awards
-advanced to super congress at a national debate tournament (Harvard)
-National Merit Semi Finalist
-AP Scholar (hopefully with distinction after this year)</p>
-Summer of 9th grade, attended summer@brown financial mini-course
-Summer of 10th grade, attended UCLA summer session, took Pre Calc
-Summer of 11th (this summer), this is hard to believe, but i have amazing connections, and my uncle is a family known house name..I'm getting an internship on Wall Street for 8 Weeks, paid.</p>
<p>note: many may perceive my EC's as a scattered laundry list, but in reality they are all either Math or leadership related.</p>