I've exhausted my official writing multiple choice questions

<p>All the BB problems, all the online problems, all the Question of the Day, and about 7 QAS. I still get 1-2 wrong each set though so I need some more practice </p>

<p>What is the best prep book for writing MC? And, if you're willing to tell me the score you got using it, I'd much appreciate it. Thanks! :)</p>

<p>Kaplan Writing Workbook. I got an 800 using this; improved from a 650, too.</p>

<p>I DEFINITELY second that. That Kaplan workbook did wonders for me. I got a 770 on the Oct 08 Sat after using it.</p>

<p>^better than barrons?</p>

<p>Mc Grawhills’ writing strategies (for the old SAT) would cover every grammar you need, I believe</p>

<p>^ I used it for the new SAT also. It was pretty good but I didn’t really do any of the practice questions. Good review of grammar though…that’s what I mainly used it for.</p>

<p>However, I didn’t try Kaplans so I can’t compare it to that</p>

<p>dont do fake tests that arent real they dont correspond with the real tests kindn of problems</p>

<p>Kaplan got me an 800, up from a 650. Buy it, lolcats4!</p>

<p>I’m going to buy Kaplan, thanks everyone :)</p>

<p>No problem, good sir.</p>

<p>btw: you can still quite easily get an 800 if ur only getting 1 wrong on the practice tests (assuming u can get a 10 essay)</p>

<p>Is Kaplans good for CR too? I really need some CR practice…</p>

<p>Yeah, you can easily get a 770+ with a great essay even with 1-2 wrong. </p>

<p>Try to figure out if you’re getting questions wrong because you were careless or because you truly didn’t know the correct answer. If it’s the former, I would just concentrate more as opposed to taking more tests.</p>


<p>Keep in mind that studying for the Writing section is going to be much different than studying for the Critical Reading section. In writing, you just have to learn to recognize the SAME types of errors by memorizing a few rules. For CR, i find that rather than workbooks and strategy guides, you should just do practice tests. In my own case, a 600-650 CR score went to a 750+ only after tons and tons of practice. Since I wasn’t and still am not an avid reader, CR was very difficult for me to raise. I used to think that there is some kind of secret that people were hiding, but it all eventually comes down to figuring out your own style of approaching the questions. My advice to you is to just take practice tests, find your weak points, and devise a method to circumvent those problems. In conclusion, i wouldn’t suggest spending money on buying CR workbooks.</p>

<p>Kaplan workbook is nothing but practice sections. I reccomend it.</p>

<p>^Hmm I think i’ll take a look at it! I definitely need more practice</p>

<p>jippy…Thanks for your input! Yeah, I now realize CR is mostly just practice…I was looking for more CR practice passages and questions. Not a workbook to teach me strategies or anything.</p>