<p>Too bad I can't minor in Radio/Tv to become an Audio Engineer at North Hampton. Guess I gotta just major in Biological Sciences.</p>
<p>I really hope I find something that could help me get a good job. Too bad that Audio Engineer/Recording Engineer idea got shot down cause my mom was nagging me that I shouldn't even think about it cause there's the job security for the entertainment industry is bad and I should just go to school for medical purposes (aka study until you like it and BE A DOCTOR!).</p>
<p>I feel I'm in the right path though. But she also said that I'd have to open real people up (dead people) in the pre-med major.</p>
<p>... I kinda thought you did that in Medical School, and even in Physiology, it would only be a doppelganger...</p>
<p>Anyway, I guess going to North Hampton for Radio/Tv to become an Audio Engineer isn't such a good idea anyway right?</p>
<p>(They start out with $30k apparently but I guess that's not enough these days lol)</p>